Supervising SAEP
What is the PURPOSE of an SAEP?
What is the PURPOSE of an SAE Visit? Learn more about the student by investing in their interests. Observe home and/or SAE environment. Develop a working relationship with SAE supervisors, employers, and/or stakeholders. Discuss with supervisors, employers, and/or stakeholders activities that might be included in students’ SAEP. Discuss any issues or problems students encounter, teach and test student understanding. Utilize Top Ten Handout to facilitate Discussion
What is the PURPOSE of an SAE Visit? Evaluate students’ progress toward goals. Assist students’ ability to identify items for recordkeeping. Assist students’ ability to identify areas for SAEP expansion. Assist students when self-evaluating their project. Counsel students regarding development and plans for the future. Adapted from : Phipps, L. J., Osborne, E.W., Dyer, J. E., & Ball, A. (2008). Handbook on Agricultural Education in Public Schools (6th ed.). Clifton Park, NY: Thomson Delmar Learning
How do I achieve the purpose of the SAE Visit?
Supervision Techniques How might these visits differ? Home Visit Work Visit School-Based Visit
GETING ACQUAINTED Dress appropriately for the site. Arrive and leave on time. Be friendly, polite, and optimistic. Show a genuine interest in the progress of student. Exhibit willingness to help them achieve their goals.
APPRAISING THE SITUATION Evaluate the program. Help the student identify concerns. Evaluate progress since the last visit. Give additional encouragement and instruction where needed. Observe practices and decisions adopted as a result of class instruction. Review plans and records of students. Inquire about the interest, objectives, and future plans of the student. Point out good practices that are applicable to the experience program. Assist students in analyzing records. Discuss future plans.
OPPORTUNITIES TO TEACH Provide individual instruction. Assist students by evaluating what they are doing, their progress, plans and shortcomings. Assist students to overcome the difficulties and obstacles that are interfering with their progress. Ask for reflection about the value of classroom instruction. Inquire about topics for future class instruction.
OPPORTUNITIES TO MOTIVATE Praise students for accomplishments Show students how every attainment is progress toward reaching goals: Knowledge gained Skills learned Career readiness Degrees, contests, and awards Take photos of students with their SAE programs. These can be used later for the bulletin board, newspaper, banquet, proficiency award applications, and the chapter scrapbook.
ENDING THE VISIT Leave something worthwhile with the student. Repeat major suggestions for improvement and points of encouragement. Always disinfect boots before leaving a livestock facility. Record and/or take notes for follow-up instruction either for use in the classroom or other activity. Thank students, parents, employers, and/or supervisors.
Guidelines for Quality SAEP visits
GUIDELINES FOR QUALITY SAEP VISITS Visit every student In summer prior to school During first few months of school During school year Visit Often As often as needed to achieve purpose of SAE visit [State Guidelines] Visit “complicated” SAEPs more frequently Utilize summer months Schedule visits in advance Include parents and/or employers Keep administrators informed Conduct visits on site Home Work School Tips Invite administrators Invite FFA Officers Invite stakeholders
Making SAEP visits effective
List items to take with you on an SAEP visit
WHAT TO TAKE WITH YOU Clothing Documentation Gloves Rubber boots Coveralls Safety glasses Visit Report Form Student file Visit log Calendar SAE Policy Statement Newsletter
WHAT TO TAKE WITH YOU SAE Resources Tool Box Pocket knife Pliers Contact information for: Local veterinarian Local county extension office Natural Resource Conservation Service Soil Conservation Service SAE (work) Supervisors Local agriculture businesses Pocket knife Pliers Hammer Flashlight Measuring tape Jumper cables
WHAT TO TAKE WITH YOU Others? Technology Digital camera Cell phone Laptop GPS