PARTICLES The words that hold a Japanese sentence together
The function of particles Particles in Japanese join parts of the sentence together. A particle can tell us a lot about the word before it.
Particles – a summary WA Topic marker MOAlso NOPossessiveDE ‘by’ / do ‘at’ a place WO Object marker TOWith / and NI ‘at’ with time NI‘to’ a place
Flickr photo by Davi M は Note: This particle is actually written with hiragana “ha”
The Topic Marker は は [wa] tells us the topic of the sentence. It tells us WHAT is being discussed. It is hard to translate into English but it is similar to saying ‘as for …’.
Examples for は ぼく は 12さい です。 I am 12 years old. (As for me, I’m 12). ひろ は せんせい です。 Hiro is a teacher. (As for Hiro, [he’s] a teacher.
Flickr photo by Spitzgogo The Possessive の
の [no] can act like ‘apostrophe s’ in English. It tells us who owns something. It also serves to join 2 nouns together when they relate to each other. Eg. Tomorrow morning, Tuesday next week, and so on.
Examples for の ぼく の なまえ は ひろ です。 My name is Hiro. せんせい の ほん です。 It is the teacher ’s book. にほんご の せんせい。 Japanese Teacher (teacher of Japanese)
Flickr photo by tanakawho Flickr photo by El Negro Magnifico The object marker を
を [wo] tells us the object of the verb. If the verb is ‘do’, it tells us what we are doing. If the verb is ‘eat’, it tells us what we are eating. ‘Eat a hamburger’ – hamburger is the object ‘Play tennis’ – tennis is the object.
Examples for を まど を あけてください。 Please open the door. ひろ は おんがく を ききます。 Hiro listens to music.
Flickr photo by B Tal Flickr photo by an untrained eye Movement “to” a place に
The particle に 1. に [ni] tells us the place we are going to. Example: a. かわ に いきます。 Go to the river
Time “at” which something occurs に Flickr photo by Joe Penniston Flickr photo by Robbert van der Steeg
The particle に 1.It also tells us the time we do something. It comes after the TIME or DAY of the week. Example: a. ろくじ に おきます。 Wake up at 6:00
The “location” of something: “in” / “on” に Flickr photo by John Althouse Cohen
The particle に 1.It also indicates the location of something. “on the table” etc. Example: a. いす の うえ に あります。 It is on the chair.
Flickr photo by L. Marie “Also” も Flickr photo by Caucas’
The particle も も means “also” It can replace を or は but can be used together with に or へ
Examples for も すし を たべます。さしみ も たべます。 I eat sushi. I also eat sashimi. とうきょう に いきます。おおさか に も いきます。 I will go to Tokyo. I will also go to Osaka.
The particle で で tells us how we get somewhere. Like “by means of”, “using” Tells us “where” we do something –Listen to music in de house!!!
Flickr photo by Destinys Agent What you use to do something で
Flickr photo by moriza Where u do de activity で
How you get somewhere Flickr photo by rAmmoRRison で
Examples for で バス で いきます。 Go by bus. ぎんこう で はたらいています。 Work at the bank. こうえん で あそびます。 Play in the park.
“with” after a person / animal と Flickr photo by jm3 Flickr photo by onkel wart
The particle と と is used between nouns to mean “and” と also indicates who or what you do something “with”
Examples for と いす と つくえ が あります。 There is a chair and a desk. いぬ と あそびます。 Play with the dog. あした、ともだち と テニスを します。 Tomorrow, I will play tennis with my friend.