Angola Botswana Lesotho Malawi Mozambique Namibia South Africa Swaziland Zambia Zimbabwe 997 grants to 450 organizations total = $197 Million for health, basic education, and comprehensive programs targeting those under 21 in 10 countries from Sample Size
Categories Used HEALTH BASIC EDUCATIONCOMPREHENSIVE Infectious DiseasesPrimary and Secondary Education Supporting both Health and Basic Education Prenatal and Postpartum Care Teacher Training Reproductive HealthLiteracy Primary HealthEarly Childhood Child ProtectionTechnology Training Orphans and Vulnerable Children Workforce Development ResearchEducation Research DisabilitiesGeneral Education General Health
Key Findings: Funding Distribution Health programs received 200% more funding than basic education programs HIV/AIDS programs received 63% of health funding Basic education funding was distributed across all categories
Key Findings: Recipients 90% of the funders supported organizations with headquarters in Africa 88% of grants analyzed went to groups with headquarters in Africa but they received only 43% of the funding Individual national NGOs received the smallest contributions of all types of recipient groups Grants to academic, research, and medical groups were 1000% larger than those to national NGOs
Key Observations Need for more support in other health areas Need for a more holistic approach Need for more support to local organizations
Key Findings: Countries Organizations in South Africa received larger contributions than organizations in the other nine countries South Africa received the most funding, had the most funders, and on average 200% larger grants Funding for countries excluding South Africa was almost exclusively for health programs Angola and Swaziland received no funding for basic education
Key Observations Need for more support for basic education programs Need for more support for comprehensive programs
DOWNLOAD NOW! Key Findings and Summary Report Key Funding for Health And Basic Education Programs for Children And Youth In Southern Africa Available at
AFRICA GRANTMAKERS’ AFFINITY GROUP AGAG’s mission is to promote increased and more effective funding to Africa through building and sharing knowledge. Niamani Mutima, Executive Director Talaya Grimes, Administrative and Program Coordinator Mailing Address Africa Grantmakers’ Affinity Group P.O. Box 150 Warrenton, VA Website: