Welcome to Mr. Sterba’s 6 th Grade Math Class! Room 120
Expectations Be Respectful Be Responsible Use Common Sense Be good to each other and myself Always give your best effort LEARN AND HAVE FUN DOING IT!
Breaking My Expectations I do not speak to any student more than three times. 1.Warning 2.Hallway 3.Detention Office
What You Can Expect of Me Fair / Honest Helping hand / Assistance – just ask!!! Listener Contributor Discussion / Real-Life Experiences TEACHER
Procedures-leaving the room Leaving the room (Locker, Bathroom, other) - need permission, must have hall pass to go one at a time. Could be considered tardy! –Take care of your business on your time! Sick- do not tell me just go, if you need assistance interupt! Sharpener- as long as I am not talking you are welcome to sharpen your pencil. Kleenex- blow it when you need to!
Procedure- Absent work Check Haiku and get your weeks homework packet if you miss a Monday or a Tuesday block day. You are responsible to get late or missing assignments turned in ASAP! Long term absences please talk to me before you leave so I can get it together before you leave. If you miss a test please talk to me about a make up date ASAP.
Procedure- Attention Do not talk while I am talking! I will request your attention, please be quiet right If you hear my bell stop what you are doing and listen –Remember ~ Listen and Silent are spelled with the same letters! If it takes longer I take the time from your passing time.
Procedure- Board Work When something is on the board when you arrive in class it should be done as soon as you enter the room Board work is part of your grade and is usually related to something we have recently discussed or challenging you in someway.
TARDIES!! You have three tardies to any hour before you will receive a detention. You should be on time you have plenty of time take care of your business and still get to class ON-TIME! If you have a pass to excuse you please make sure you hand it to me…Those do not count.
Procedure- HOMEWORK You will receive a packet the first day I see you during the week. It is due the same day one week later (the following week.) Bring it to class DAILY! – We may work on it in class, work on some problems together or ask/solve questions! Bring questions to class and we will go over it as a class Counts as weekly points and is graded on work shown and on what is done – EFFORT! Homework Checks typically be graded on right and wrong and usually through the Clickers. You will correct all your own work in a pen once a week. Be prepared!
Procedure- HOMEWORK Homework helps on all quizzes and tests. If you do not do it you are loosing easy points and you are not setting yourself up for success. I may ask you to come in at lunch or after school if you continue to not do the work. I am available for help please always ask questions…It is my job to help Ask question daily in class if you struggle. Do a little each day!
Heading All papers have a heading Top right corner of paper –Name –Date –Hour –Assignment
Procedure- Assessments Tests come at the end of a unit and are always worth 100 points. We have projects to go with most units and those are usually 100 points as well and are a balance for a test if you do horrible. Quizzes – come often and are never a surprise they always have different point values. Homework checks – check understanding / accuracy and completion on homework assignments
Procedure- Quizzes Quiz Retakes: The word “Quiz” will be in the Powerschool title of any Formative Assessment that is eligible for re-take. Retakes are available for scores less than 80% for a maximum new score of 80% Quiz to be made up outside of class time Retake window is within 5 school days of posting in Powerschool Retakes are usually correction/reflection based
Procedure- CLEAN UP You are responsible for your mess- Myself or the janitor will not clean up after you. You are always welcome to borrow supplies but please return them to where you originally took them from. If you do not have something please ask me and I will help when I can.
IMPORTANT! Not every day can be fun! We will have fun and enjoy the year! Have a good time and learn with your new friends and with me! I am here to help so PLEASE always ask me questions when you need too!! I am so excited to be with you and I know we can all be successful!