Rebalancing Power The Constitution of the United States, Article V Ron Scott
Bottom Line Up Front Justify the need for an Article V remedy Explain the Article V process Motivate action
Obamacare Architect Jonathan Gruber
In a Nutshell Do you feel ruled or served? Does this sound like the land of the free?
Growth of Government 1913 = $178/person 2013 = $11,435/person 64 times more expensive
Fiscal Nightmare Debt of $17.6T exceeds GDP $17T Disturbing corporatism and crony capitalism Wealth creation lags government spending
Shaping Voter Sentiment Media bias for large central government Emotive language: “Do nothing Congress” – Code for “obstructionism”... – Justifies executive action 80% of public gets news from digital sources – Diversity in viewpoints – Administration now wants Internet neutrality
Word Clouds States the US Constitution Current Articles
Irony: 1776 – 1789
Oppressive Government Bill of Rights at risk Jefferson argued: “That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government”
What Are Your Concerns?
What Can Be Done? Do nothing Keep electing federal officials to fix it Unconstitutional means Constitutional remedy – Article V
The Founders Gave Us a Big Solution Article V Amending the Constitution
The Solution Constitution articulated “rules of the game” Founders anticipated – Changing conditions – Framer fallibility – Disputes over interpretation – Abuses in the system Thus, Article V provides the means to amend the Constitution
Amendment Process Amendments are proposed Proposals are presented to the states for ratification
Amendment Ratification ALWAYS requires approval of 3/4ths of states – 38 of 50 states – 1 vote per state (1 of 2 possible state forums) state legislatures ratification conventions
Amending the Constitution 3/4 of the States (38) 1.2/3 Congress 2. Convention of states (34)* Proposed by either Ratification requires * Has never been done
Convention of States Scope Impose fiscal restraints on the federal government Limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government Limit the terms of office for its officials and for members of Congress anything outside of scope is only a suggestion and it cannot be ratified
What Can Go Wrong? Article V Amending the Constitution
Convention Objections Constitutional Convention The runaway convention The Federal Government ignores the Constitution now. Why would it obey amendments?
Realistic Outcomes Gradual accumulation of applications-- indefinite until rescinded A Convention occurs – No amendments proposed – Constructive amendments proposed: none, some, or all ratified by 38 or more States – Out of scope amendments may be suggested
Americans v. Political Dysfunction In a Foreign Affairs article, “America in Decay: The Root Causes for Political Dysfunction,” Fukuyama argues only an external shock can help. Are we so risk averse today that we lack the courage to preserve our Constitutional Republic as the “home of the brave”? Where is the American pride that was prolific following WWII, when “American made” meant something? – We fear “losing” our current standard of living. – Timidity has replaced courage and pride. We the People can provide an internal shock through an Article V Convention of States.
How You Can Help Sign our petition Volunteer to be a district captain Write/call/ /fax/text elected officials Champion this effort with your friends, family, colleagues, and neighbors Encourage State legislators to approve Colorado application in 1Q2015 We’re striving for 8,000 signed petitions to convince Legislators to apply
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Average Defense to GDP Ratio: 5.05; now 3.66 or – 226B Average HHS to GDP Ratio: 3.05; now 5.33 or +379B
1861 – 1932: Republican Congress 1933 – 1993: Democrat Congress 1994 – 2014: Heightened contest for majority Now: An uber-presidency transforming America
10 companies provide almost all of the 38,000 items in most grocery stores
Direction, Trust, Confidence 64% 19% 30%
Agencies & Media 23% 85% 20%