Welcome to session B2-Biodiversity 2 nd GEOSS S&T Stakeholder Workshop Bonn, 30 August 2012 Biodiversity Observation Network
GEO BON: the SBA on biodiversity of GEOSS
Biodiversity Observation Network The Biodiversity science-policy landscape Assessment (IPBES) Policy (CBD) Observations (GEO BON) Research
Vision A coordinated global system that: gathers and shares information on biodiversity, provides tools for data integration and analysis, and contributes to improving environmental management and human well-being. Biodiversity Observation Network
Mission To improve delivery of biodiversity information and services to users GEO BON focuses on observing and analysing changes in biodiversity over time. Biodiversity Observation Network
GEO BON: A brief history 2005: Establishment of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) –Biodiversity is one of 9 “Societal Benefit Areas” 2006 Oct: First International Workshop (Geneva, CH) Jan 2008: GEO BON Steering Committee formed (Geneva) Apr 2008: 2 nd International workshop (Potsdam, Germany) –Produce GEO BON concept document Feb 2010: 3rd International workshop (Asilomar, California) GEO BON secretariat opens (CSIR, S-Africa) 22 May 2010: –Launch of GEO BON implementation plan (version 1.0) Nov 2011: –Adequacy of biodiversity observation systems to support the CBD 2020 targets (INF/8) Oct 2012: –Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) to support the CBD
Biodiversity Observation Network Expected Achievements by 2015 An accepted set of Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) developed akin to GCOS ECVs Global Wetland Observing System (GWOS) A harmonised Ecosystem Map Major components of a global network of Biodiversity Observation Sites in place Major geographical gaps in the monitoring network starting to be filled Expansion of monitoring programs for birds, mammals, plants and butterflies Inventories for changes in marine biodiversity (certain taxa) Delivery of a genetic diversity report (CBD-COP11)
Biodiversity Observation Network How is GEO BON organised? GEO Plenary And secretariat GEO BON Steering committee Ad-Hoc Working groups Gene-level data Terrestrial species Marine species Ecosystems Architecture …and others Thematic BONs and Partner Organisations Taxon-specific Eg Birdlife Scale-specific Eg ILTER Biodiversity indicator Partnership GBIF..and many others National or regional BONs EBONE Europe APBON Asia Pacific J-BON Japan Ecosystems SBAOther SBAs These network members are independent but linked and coordinated CountriesOrganisations
Biodiversity Observation Network Challenges Many positive developments –Clear niche in science-policy interface –Recognition by & collaboration with key partners (CBD, IPBES) –Strong agenda (Implementation plan, adequacy report, EBVs) –Interest of many individuals and organisations But major challenges –Lack of engagement/recognition at national level –Proper institutional arrangements (Sec, funding)
Programme of session B2: Biodiversity Introduction (10’) A Larigauderie, DIVERSITAS Implementation of GEO BON Essential Biodiversity Variables: towards an agreement on a common approach for biodiversity (15’ + 5’) Rob Jongman, Alterra, NL A blueprint for a global operational ecosystem services observation system, based on data and models (15’ + 5’) Wolfgang Cramer, IMBE, F Discussion: Focus on challenges associated to implementation of GEO BON Rapporteurs: Andrew Skidmore, U of Twente, NL & Rob Jongman, Alterra, NL Biodiversity Observation Network
Biodiversity Observation Network THANK YOU! international.org
Biodiversity Observation Network Background cont. Adelaide UniversityImperial CollegeSAHFOS Amphibian Survival AllianceInstitute of Mountain Hazards and Environment / CASSenckenberg Institute ASEAN Centre for BiodiversityInstituto Venezolano de Investigaciones CientíficasSmithsonian Institute Australian MuseumInternational Foundation for ScienceStanford University Beijing University of ForestryiOBISThe Nature Conservancy Berlin UniversityItalian National Research CouncilTransformation Reef Biota/FAPESPIUCNUNEP-WCMC CBDKyoto UniversityUniversidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos CEHKyushu UniversityUniversidad Nacional Autónoma de México CEMAGREFLifeWatchUniversidade de Lisboa Centre de Recherche pour la Gestion de la BiodiversitéMbarara UniversityUniversidade do Porto CIIMARMinistry of EnvironmentUniversity of Colorado Clark UniversityMNHNUniversity of Edinburg CNRSNanjing Institute of Environmental SciencesUniversity of Hamburg Conservation InternationalNASAUniversity of Helsinki / LifeWatch CRIANatural History MuseumUniversity of Idaho CSIRNature UgandaUniversity of Montana CSIRONatureServeUniversity of Ottawa DIVERSITASNBG KewUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison East China Normal UniversityNBIIUSDA ECOSURNCEASUSGS EMBRAPA SolosNEONVizzuality ESANIOZVlinderstichting FAONOCSWageningen UR French Institute of PondicherryNSW GovernmentWetlands International GBIFPBLWWF Global lake Ecological Observation NetworkPIKYale University Hong Kong UniversityRBG KewYokohama National University ILTERRSPBZIN-RAS IMAA-CNRRutgers UniversityZoological Society of London