Postwar Problems When the war ended, soldiers came home, many of the war factories stopped production, and price controls were lifted. This caused several economic problems: Unemployment went up – jobs were harder to find Inflation went up – prices rose quickly on many items 4 million workers in many different industries went on strike for higher wages.
Racial Unrest Many African Americans had moved North to cities to work in the war factories. Returning black soldiers had noticed that there was NO SEGREGATION in France. After the war, some people blame unemployment on the new black workers. Tensions were high, incidents of discrimination and violence often erupted into riots The NAACP membership grew and A-A began to fight back against discrimination and try to gain equal rights.
Fear of Communism Americans had been fearful and hated communism for years – when Russia became a communist country in 1917, these fears increased. Communists were nicknamed REDS People started blaming labor strikes, protests, and violence on Communists Often, foreign born people were accused of being communists The FBI was started at this time – to control radical groups and investigate violent incidents
Politics and presidents in the 1920’s President Warren G Harding was elected in He was a nice guy but not very smart and overwhelmed by the job. He died in 1923 and VP became Pres. Calvin Coolidge became Pres. When Harding died and was elected in He was quiet and smart and a big supporter of business. Herbert Hoover was elected in All of these men were Republicans.
Problems for Farmers During W W I, farmers had bought more land and equipment in order to produce the extra food needed for the war and for Europe. After the war, the demand for US farm products went down – so prices went down. Farmers tried producing more – but that lowered prices even more. Farmers still had big debts but had less income. Some laws to help farmers were proposed, but not passed.
Nativism Immigration to the US had dropped during the war – after 1920, it rose again. Many people blamed the economic and labor problems of the 20’s on immigrants Two laws in the twenties restricted the # of immigrants from most countries. Sacco and Vanzetti were immigrants who were charged with robbery and murder. The evidence was questionable but they were convicted and eventually executed.
Intolerance Grows During this time, the KKK added immigrants, Catholics, and Jews to their list of “targets”. They continued their intimidation tactics against these groups as well as African Americans They gained members in the mid 20’s but lost members by the late 20’s.