TERENA Networking Conference, Antalya, 15 May 2001 R.Tirler1 Disclaimer: The views expressed in this presentation are those of the author and do not necessarily.


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Presentation transcript:

TERENA Networking Conference, Antalya, 15 May 2001 R.Tirler1 Disclaimer: The views expressed in this presentation are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission Introduction Objectives Priorities IST in FP6 Conclusion xt EC Framework Programme FP6 The next EC Framework Programme

TERENA Networking Conference, Antalya, 15 May 2001 R.Tirler2 Introduction Treaty Policy Objective (Article 163) The Community shall have the objective of strengthening the scientific and technological bases of Community industry and encouraging it to become more competitive at international level, while promoting all the research activities deemed necessary by virtue of other Chapters of this Treaty. Community RTD has to complement national Action

TERENA Networking Conference, Antalya, 15 May 2001 R.Tirler3 Definition What are Framework Programmes Treaty Establishing the European Community (Articles ) A multiannual framework programme shall be adopted by the Council Establish the scientific and technological objectives Fix the maximum overall amount and rules for financial participation Framework programmes shall be implemented through specific programmes The procedure (Article 251) The Commission shall submit a proposal to the European Parliament and the Council.

TERENA Networking Conference, Antalya, 15 May 2001 R.Tirler4 FP6 Basic Aspects (1) Based on the ERA concept, the European Commission adopts the guidelines for Community R& D from Focus on priority domains where the EU level actions provide largest added value Structuring of the European research in articulation with other EU policies Strong links to the national and other European initiatives Simplification of procedures

TERENA Networking Conference, Antalya, 15 May 2001 R.Tirler5 FP6 Basic Aspects (2) Extensive consultation with all sector actors during year 2000 Technology has become vital for the enterprises Finance conditions have evolved since FP1 EU level collaboration crucial for long term high risk projects Need to find new ways to fund research New means of co-operation will emerge Greater focus needed From co-operation to reinforcing scientific/technical excellence

TERENA Networking Conference, Antalya, 15 May 2001 R.Tirler6 Integrating Research Seven Thematic Priorities Genomic and biotechnology for health (2000 M€) Information Society Technologies (3600 M€) Nanotechnologies (1300 M€) Aeronautics and Space (1000 M€) Food safety and health risks (600 M€) Sustainable dev. and global change (1700 M€) Citizens and governance (225 M€)

TERENA Networking Conference, Antalya, 15 May 2001 R.Tirler7 Integrating Research Priority 8 Anticipating the EUs Scientific and technological Needs (2345 M€) Research necessary for the formulation, implementation and enforcement of Community and EU policies (e.g eEurope) Research that responds to needs in new, interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary areas Non-nuclear Activities of the Joint Research Centres (JRC) Specific research activities for SMEs Specific International co-operation activities

TERENA Networking Conference, Antalya, 15 May 2001 R.Tirler8 Structuring ERA Research Infrastructures (900 M€) Trans-national access to research infrastructures Implementing integrated activities, by means of European-scale infrastructures Carrying out feasibility studies Optimising of European infrastructures Human Resources Research and Innovation Science and Society

TERENA Networking Conference, Antalya, 15 May 2001 R.Tirler9 Main types of Instruments Networks of Excellence: strengthen European excellence through the integration of centres of excellence in different regions Integrated projects: significant financial investment on joint (public/ private) projects pursuing well defined objectives Joint execution with several Member States (Article 169)

TERENA Networking Conference, Antalya, 15 May 2001 R.Tirler10 Instruments: Networks of Excellence Common programme of activities to stimulate European scientific excellence Large autonomy, including possibility given to the participants to launch call for proposals Several M€ /year Selection by calls for proposals Support to researchers from other countries via mobility instruments

TERENA Networking Conference, Antalya, 15 May 2001 R.Tirler11 Instruments: Integrated Projects Consortia with close co- operation between universities and industry Well defined scientific and technological objectives Dissemination, transfer, exploitation of knowledge (analysis and evaluation of socio- economic impact) Mobilisation of significant budgets Selected on the basis of Calls for Proposals Large management autonomy Regular audit of progress

TERENA Networking Conference, Antalya, 15 May 2001 R.Tirler12 Instruments: Art. 169 In FP6 defined priorities, support to national programmes jointly executed according to article 169 Joint or co-ordinated calls for proposals EC funding used to support jointly executed programmes

TERENA Networking Conference, Antalya, 15 May 2001 R.Tirler13 IST in FP6 Objectives and Scope A vision “Ambient Intelligence” to provide natural and enjoyable interactions with IST applications and services Objectives Strengthen European competitiveness & technology base Build the information and knowledge society for ALL Coverage Core technology and pull-through applications A policy framework: eEurope

TERENA Networking Conference, Antalya, 15 May 2001 R.Tirler14 IST in FP6 Strategy Focus and Critical Mass Targeted Initiatives to address IST Key Domains Building on Europe strength Flexibility Identify Strategic Challenges up-front More forward-looking Research Industry driven

TERENA Networking Conference, Antalya, 15 May 2001 R.Tirler15 IST in FP6 Key Challenges Ambient Intelligence: Bring the users, “people”, to the foreground the “centre of our attention” Build technologies for the background (almost invisible) which are trustful and embedded in every day objects; Intelligence in every aspect of mobility Addressing priority themes Exploring future visions and paradigms Supporting EU policies, in particular eEurope Developing the research infrastructures

TERENA Networking Conference, Antalya, 15 May 2001 R.Tirler16 IST in FP6 “Societal and Economic Challenges ” Develop technologies to address major societal and economic challenges Health, mobility, security, leisure, cultural heritage, environment monitoring e-business and m-business, security of transactions and infrastructures, new working tools, Learning, egovernment... Large-scale distributed systems, including GRIDs, for complex problems in environment, energy, health, transport, industrial design.

TERENA Networking Conference, Antalya, 15 May 2001 R.Tirler17 IST in FP6 Computing and Communications Enable richer services and improve access to computing and communication infrastructures Next generation of wireless, mobile and satellite communication; all-optical networks; networks integration and management, Enabling technologies... Software architectures and distributed systems; engineering and control of large scale and complex systems

TERENA Networking Conference, Antalya, 15 May 2001 R.Tirler18 IST in FP6 Components and Micro-systems Pushing the limits of miniaturisation, increase cost-efficiency and improve functionality of components Design and production of micro/opto electronic and photonic components Nano-electronics, micro-technologies and micro- systems; new materials and quantum devices; new computing models and concepts

TERENA Networking Conference, Antalya, 15 May 2001 R.Tirler19 IST in FP6 Knowledge and Interaction Modes Enabling easier knowledge handling and more natural and personalised interfaces Systems for knowledge management based on semantics; tools to create, organise, share and disseminate digital content Multi-sensorial interfaces to understand and interpret natural human expressions; multilingual and multicultural systems

TERENA Networking Conference, Antalya, 15 May 2001 R.Tirler20 IST in FP6 Other Activities Exploring future visions and paradigms Anticipation of S&T needs Support to eEurope Anticipation of policy needs Building Research Infrastructures Research Networks, access to RTD facilities Enhancing the impact Innovation and support to SMEs Fighting the skills gap Mobility of researchers... Extending the global co-operation

TERENA Networking Conference, Antalya, 15 May 2001 R.Tirler21 IST in FP6 Programme Consultation Meetings Technologies and Applications Hard problems / roadblocks Scenarios: use / users / business opportunities Europe’s positioning in technology & industry Implementation Issues

TERENA Networking Conference, Antalya, 15 May 2001 R.Tirler22 Conclusion Present Status Specific Programme Work Programme For more information:

TERENA Networking Conference, Antalya, 15 May 2001 R.Tirler23 The FP6 Process 21/2/2001: Commission proposal to Council and Parliament 3/3/2001: Presentation to informal Council meeting in Uppsala May 2001: Commission proposals on participation rules and on specific programmes June 2001: Research Council July 2001: Parliament ’s first reading of FP6 Oct/Dec 01: Research council position March 02: Parliament second reading Spring 02:Conciliation procedure June 02: Final adoption