Chinese Numbers 中 文 数 字 0 ~ 9
3145 Michigan Ave., Apt. 260 Detroit, MI (1) Mission Easy
(1) Mission Easy Which of the following information is correct. A 2315 Michigan Ave., Apt. 209 Detroit, MI Cell: B 5231 Michigan Ave., Apt. 239 Detroit, MI Cell: C 5325 Michigan Ave., Apt. 329 Detroit, MI Cell: D 2135 Michigan Ave., Apt. 392 Detroit, MI Cell:
3155 Michigan Ave., Apt. 209 Detroit, MI (2) Mission Tough
(2) Mission Tough Which of the following information is correct. A 2895 Michigan Ave., Apt. 319 Detroit, MI Cell: B 2875 Michigan Ave., Apt. 239 Detroit, MI Cell: C 8950 Michigan Ave., Apt. 362 Detroit, MI Cell: D 9085 Michigan Ave., Apt. 392 Detroit, MI Cell:
3155 Michigan Ave., Apt. 209 Detroit, MI (3) Mission Impossible
(3) Mission Impossible Which of the following information is correct. A 1380 Michigan Ave., Apt. 570 Detroit, MI Cell: B 3018 Michigan Ave., Apt. 507 Detroit, MI Cell: C 1830 Michigan Ave., Apt. 705 Detroit, MI Cell: D 3810 Michigan Ave., Apt. 750 Detroit, MI Cell: