Krishna Sattiraju CS 792.NET
Overview What is XML Encryption Methods for Encryption Storage of Encrypted Data Benefits of XML Secure Storage Types of XML Encryption
XML Encryption Specification that defines how to encrypt data Used to encrypt data, keying information and algorithms
Methods for encryption Using Symmetric Encryption Combination of Symmetric and Asymmetric Encryption X.509 Certificates
Storage of Encrypted Data Whole element is replaced with an element named Only the data in the element is replaced and its name remains readable in the document
XML Document Code
Encrypted Code
Asymmetric XML Encryption and Decryption o Select XML Element o Encrypt element o Encrypt Session Key o Create Encrypted Data element o Replace Original element o Select Encrypted Data element o Decrypt Session Key o Decrypt Cipher Data using unencrypted symmetric o Replace the Encrypted Data Element
Name Spaces System. XML System.Security. Cryptography System.Security.Cryptography.xml
Benefits of XML Secure Storage XML Is Structured Format Allows for secure storage of documents Provides granularity Leverages Existing technologies
XML Encryption Encrypted data is maintained. All information needed to decrypt a document is contained within the document. Session can be secured on the document level and shared between multiple parties. Sensitive data is easily interchanged between applications.
XML Encryption of Element John Smith A23B45C56
XML Encryption using Content John Smith A23B45C56
Encrypting XML Content (Character Data) John Smith A23B45C56 Example Bank 04/02
XML Encryption in WS- Security <env:Envelope xmlns:env=" xmlns:xenc=" <wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="
XML Encryption w/ Digital Certificate <EncryptedData xmlns=" Type=" <EncryptionMethod Algorithm=" rsakey.pem IPiEu9Nv+EsGyvV... xrfPSA+BEI+8...
XML Signing AND XML Encryption Order of Cryptographic operations matters Signing and Encrypting Encrypting and Signing Change of the order while Decrypting - Danger
References XML Encryption by By: Derek Smyth : Smyth XML Encryption Syntax and Processing By Takeshi Imamura, Blair Dillaway, Ed Simon encrypt2/ encrypt2/
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