+ Placer MHSA Integrated 3 Year Planning—Further Conversations July 1, June 31, 2017
Agenda Review MHSA planning efforts & timeline Innovation Update and Prioritization Next steps
+ Review of Planning Elements & Requirements 3-year plan (2014 – 2017) Based on unspent funds + estimated revenues from State Stakeholder process Representatives from the County’s constituency groups (CCW Steering) Involvement in: mental health policy, program planning & implementation, monitoring, quality improvement, evaluation & budget allocations Draft plan circulated for 30 days for public comment (Feb. 2014)
Review of Campaign Structure Four committees/Representatives: Promote Mental Health Awareness – Anno Nakai Outreach and Stigma Reduction—Jennifer Price MHSA Implementation – Janice Leroux Workforce, Education and Training(WET)—Lisa Sloan 2 Mental Health Authority Reps. – Maureen Bauman and Richard Knecht Campaign Facilitators—Katrina Moser/Christi Fee Leadership Team: Decisional Team, based on input and guidance from this CCW Steering committee
Review of Current MHSA Elements Community Services & Supports Community Services & Supports Prevention & Early Intervention Prevention & Early Intervention Innovation Cap Fac. & Tech Full Service Prt. Systems Transf. Crisis Triage Lake Tahoe Ready for Success Bridges to Wellness Bye Bye Blues West Slope(PCF) Tahoe(TTCF) 5 Large Projects Housing Ongoing One-Time (CSS) 75%20% 5% WET
Current Process and Timeline Target Pop. + Outcomes Outcomes& Target Pops. Outcomes& Target Pops. Strategies & Programs/RFP framework Draft Plan Steering Ideas Asset survey Determine which activities move forward Framework for programs Innovation + RFP Eval. Current Programs Eval. Current Programs Steering Rec. Leadership Team decisional Gaps AprilMarch Dec. Sept Feb 14, 2013 Framework For Priorities Aug “Survey” For Review Process Decisions Funding strategies Oct - Dec. Brainstorm Innovation + Planning Innovation + Planning May/June Jan. Staff maps activities to budget
Total Dollars for *Note for Innovation Dollars $325k recommended to fund current large innovation programs ($200k PEI and $125k CSS) Ongoing Dollars Current Expenditures 13/14 New Ongoing Dollars Total Dollars CSS$5.2 million$4.2 million$9.4 million PEI$1.2 million$1.5 million$2.7 million Innovation*$700 thousand$730 thousand Anticipated Draft Plan by Feb. 14 with RFP release approximately March 5
+ Innovation Update
+ Innovation – Must Do At Least One of the Following Introduce new mental health practice/ and approach Make a change to an existing mental health practice/approach Introduce to the mental health system a new promising community-driven practice/approach or a practice/approach that has been successful in non-mental health setting Focus: Increased Access to Underserved Populations
Innovation Update and Discussion MHOAC reviewed CCW concepts and has provided new directions with focus on measureable outcomes Need detail on programs in Innovation plan Implications-- RFP will come after INN plan is approved (not as part of) Need to Prioritize ideas with CCW, linking to “access to underserved”
Innovation - New Mental Health Approaches ( to increase access to mental health services (or increase outcomes) Incarcerated adults (with risk or onset of mental illness) upon release Mobile response (where existing approaches don’t apply to your specific situation) Transportation resources Leasing available space in churches or other buildings (moved to approaches)
Innovation - New Mental Health Approaches ( to increase access to mental health services (or increase outcomes) Community Garden – seems focus is on improving quality of outcomes but could be used to promote access (Hmong Garden Project) Transition Age Youth Housing (new/changed approach) Suicide Prevention – New or changed approach
Innovation – New or Changed Uses of Existing Programs Peer Support/Wellness Recovery Action Plan (SF & Marin) Homeless Shelter – project new or changed compared to what is available now
“Unlikely” Innovation Ideas to fit criteria Improving Quality of Outcome Focus Cooking Café Respite Services Art Center Other work program/business opportunity Peer Run Board/Care Community Garden (possibly)
“Unlikely” Innovation Ideas to fit criteria Service – not eligible Operational Support for Transition Age Youth Center Services for Jail population Others are doing something similar: Mental Health integrated with Acute Health – NV County First Hospitalization/First Onset/Early Response – strong EBP’s exist
Next Steps February Publish draft MHSA plan RFP process for MHSA components begins Innovation projects to follow Draft Innovations Plan for submission to State Oversight and Accountability