Trout Production Effluent Challenges Tom Wiggins Vermont Department of Fish & Wildlife
Obtaining a Discharge Permit
Why did problems occur?? 1Regulators did not understand fish culture or hatchery effluents. 2. Regulators were inexperienced. 3.Professional values not water quality standards impacted the process.
Specific Effluent Challenges ( Current & Future) Phosphorus * This was the principal concern of VT DEC (Department of Environmental Conservation) * The proposed hatchery was well within existing standards, DEC was worried about mass loading * Tertiary treatment was required and three year study on the impact of the discharge
Solids Not considered a problem
pH Hatcheries typically have little impact on pH
Bacteriological * Fecal coliform & streptococci groups * Fish pathogens * Aeromonas & total bacteria
Chemicals * Few chemicals available to use * The available chemicals are: - Generally considered safe - FDA and EPA approved or - Used Under Permit (INAD) or
I am sure reasonable changes can be made to improve hatcheries effluents if it is approached in a manner of Mutual Understanding and Cooperation