After studying this section, you will be able to: organize the information and draw diagrams for problems presented in words.
“ If two altitudes of a triangle are congruent, then the triangle is isosceles.” 1. Draw the shape, label everything. 2. The “if” part of the statement is the “given.” 3. The “then” part of the statement is the “prove.” 4. Write the givens and what you want to prove.
1.Draw a diagram to show two altitudes in a triangle. 1.Label everything. 2. Write your given statements. 3. Write your prove statement. Given: BD & CE are altitudes to AC & AD of ACD. BD = CE. Prove: ACD is isosceles. A C BE D
“The medians of a triangle are congruent if the triangle is equilateral.” 1. Draw the diagram. 2. Write down the givens you need. 3. What do you need to prove?
1.Draw a diagram to show the medians in an equilateral triangle. 2. Label everything! 3. Write your given statements. 4. Write your prove statement. Given: XYZ is equilateral. PZ, RY, and QX are medians. Prove: PZ= RY=QX X PR YZ Q
Set up a proof of this statement: The opposite angles of a parallelogram are congruent. HINT The sentence begins with the given information and ends with the conclusion.
Given: ABCD is a parallelogram Prove: B D C A
Go to your designated station. You will meet your partner there. Set up the proof: Draw and label the diagram Write the “Given” and the “Prove” DO NOT SOLVE!!! You will have less than five minutes at each station
p. 178 #5, 7, 9, 10