By jules France
Top 3 Paris Attractions 1. Eiffel Tower It is one of the worlds most famous monument in which millions of tourists climbed on each year.This is why it is number one on the list.
2. Louvre Museum Louvre The famous museum which has a lot of paintings with the famous Mona Lisa of Da Vinci
3.Cite des Science et de L'Industrie This place for kids to learn about science and biology with some fun experiences and presentation. It has a different subject every month
French food French cooking can be easy, tasty and enjoyable all at once. Camembert cheese originated in Normandy and the town of Gournay claims to have invented the brioche. Provence in the south of France has its glorious weather to thank for its colourful, flavoursome specialities like ratatouille and salade niçoise. It is often called the garden of France because of the high quality of its herbs, fruit and vegetables.
Salade nicoiseRatatouille
French drinks France is very popular in food but also in drinks such as wine or champagne. there are the Dom Perignon, that cost over the 100€ which will be approximately 350zł
this is a famous French wine called Petrus. It is one of the red wine of the Pomerol region in Bordeaux. it costs approximatly 1500€
French alphabet the French alphabet is the same that the english one but is pronouced differently. like "e" in in french you would say it like the "i" in bird.
French national games & sports Mille borne, a popular french game which you play with cards were you have traffic signs, accident and many other problems your car can have.
We also play petanque, a game you play with several metalic balls where you have to get the closer to the "cochonet" a much smaller ball than the other.
The french national soccer team nickname "les bleu" won the worldcup only once in This picture is an old picture of the french soccer team
Some famous people Pierre et Marie Curie made reaserch on radioactivity and indentified the radium. they had the nobel prize.
Napoleon 1st was a French emperor who wanted to conquer Europe.
Religion in France The majority of France is catholic and only four pourcent are unaffiliated.
French money in France we use euro. this is a picture.
French music A composer called Georges Bizet composed Carmen, one of the most well known and popular operas.
Pictures French flag
Eiffel Tower
Louvre pyramid
Mona Lisa in the louvre
Bibliography ractions.htm ractions.htm n/champagne-dom-perignon/ n/champagne-dom-perignon/ Google and some others I can't remember...
The end By Jules