Carsten Schwarz KP2 Physics with anti protons at the future GSI facility Physics program Detector set-up p e - coolerdetector High Energy Storage Ring HESR P max = 15 GeV/c L max = 2·10 32 cm -2 s -1 Ø < 100 μm Δ p/p < >> cooled anti protons >> internal target
Carsten Schwarz KP2 Physics program Charmonium spectroscopy Medium modifications of D mesons and J/Ψ in nuclei Hypernuclei CP violation Glueballs Hybrids
Carsten Schwarz KP2 Medium modifications of D mesons and J/Ψ in nuclei Continuation of present GSI physics FOPI, KAOS, HADES, …HESR Signal: medium modification of production threshold, resonance width e.g. Ψ, χ 2 Absorption cross section of J/Ψ in nuclei (ρ=ρ 0 ). pionic atoms KAOS/FOPI HESR π K D vacuumnuclear medium ρ = ρ 0 π+π+ π-π- K-K- K+K+ D+D+ D-D- 25 MeV 100 MeV 50 MeV ? Mass modifications of mesons
Carsten Schwarz KP2 Medium modifications Hayashigaki, Phys. Lett. B 487 (2000) 96Sibirtsev Nul. Phys. A 680 (2001) 274c Look eg. for decay of Ψ DD
Carsten Schwarz KP2 Charmonium gives information about QCD confinement potential. Many states are still missing. pp: direct population of all states. HESR allows investigation of states above DD threshold. Cooled beams with Δp/p10 -5 allow high precision scan of resonances. Charmonium spectroscopy 40 keV Crystal Ball e + e -
Carsten Schwarz KP2 Charmonium spectroscopy high resolution helps to identify states
Carsten Schwarz KP2 Glueballs Hybrids qqg ggg HybridGlueball Normal meson: 2 fermions P = (-1) L+1 C = (-1) L+S Excited glue: bosonic degree of freedom exotic quantum numbers eg. J PC =1 -+, 0 --, 0 +-, 2 +- … normal quantum numbers Signal: exotic quantum numbers: partial wave analysis normal quantum numbers: model comparison (LGT) mixing with normal mesons charm sector: few resonances with small widths qq Meson
Carsten Schwarz KP2 Glueball, Hybrids
Carsten Schwarz KP2 Hypernuclei - 3 GeV/c K+K Trigger _ secondary target - (dss) p(uud) (uds) (uds) study of interaction p
Carsten Schwarz KP2 CP violationin Hyperon decay p + p Λ +Λ pπ - pπ + Measure decay asymmetry of angular distribution of p relative to Λ-Hyperon momentum. I p (θ p ) ~ 1+α cos(θ p ) for Λ CP conservation: α = α Signal for CP violation: Theoretical prediction: ~10 -4 ~ Experiment: reconstructed ΛΛ L=2·10 32 cm -2 s -1 >1 year running
Carsten Schwarz KP2 Detector requirements (simulations) Energy release of charmed hadrons high large p trans large angles High cm-velocity (fixed target) high energies small angles Formation of Ψ and decay in muons Ψμ + μ - ΨJ/Ψ + X μ + μ - electrons similar calorimeter for large angles.
Carsten Schwarz KP2 Detector requirements (PID) Forward angles need π/K separation up to 3 GeV/c: Cherenkov n=1.02 Backward: higher value of n. p+p ΦΦ 4K s ½ =3.6 GeV
Carsten Schwarz KP2 HESR-detector Internal target forward spectrometertarget spectrometer Heavy charmed mesons decay in light products with large p t. Solenoid is important. top view
Carsten Schwarz KP2 HESR detector side view
Carsten Schwarz KP2 Central tracking: Microvertex Detector 7.2 mio. barrel pixels 50 x 300 μm 2 mio. forward pixels 100 x 150 μm beam pipe pellet pipe Readout: ASICs (ATLAS/CMS) 0.37% X 0 or pixel one side – readout other side (TESLA)
Carsten Schwarz KP2 MVD single track resolution (Geant 4) σ D0 =51 μm σ Z0 =82 μm x y z D0D0 Z0Z0 p 8.5 GeV 2π + 2π - Vertex resolution is sufficient for D-physics c (D ) = 314 μm, c (D 0 ) = 124 μm
Carsten Schwarz KP2 TS momentum resolution (Geant 4) MVD straw tubes MDC pp( s = 4.4 GeV/c 2 ) J/ σ M = 1.2% ???
Carsten Schwarz KP2 Particle identification PID from 0 0 <Θ<5 0 hadronic calorimeter 5 0 <Θ<22 0 Aerogel Cherenkov Counters 22 0 <Θ<140 0 DIRC DIRC thickness: 0.19 X 0
Carsten Schwarz KP2 B = 0 Tesla: Cherenkov opening angle: Internal reflection different vel. thresholds DIRC PID B = 2 Tesla: Azimuthal deflection more homogeneous detection efficiency
Carsten Schwarz KP2 DIRC PID (Geant4) p p( s = 3.6 GeV/c 2 ) misidentification of π as K K efficiency PID+tracking
Carsten Schwarz KP2 Calorimeter PbWO 4 Length = 17 X 0 APD readout (in field) σ(E) = 1.54% / E ½ + 0.3% pp J/Ψ + η γγ 140 o 5o5o 22 o
Carsten Schwarz KP2 e ± /π ± sep. electron/pion separation p (GeV/c) 0 E dep (GeV/c) e +/- π+π+ 2468p (GeV/c) π + probability
Carsten Schwarz KP2 Pellet target Frozen hydrogen pellets 20-40μm Δx=±1 mm (±0.04 o ) 60 m/s pellets/sec atoms/cm 2 (avg.) 1 mm
Carsten Schwarz KP2 Costs Solenoid 2.5 M Calorimeter (target) 12.5 M Tracking ( pixel detector, straw tubes) 3.0 M Cherenkov 3.5 M Hypernuclei ( read out electronics,micro tracker) 2.0 M Varia 1.9 M Trigger 1.5 M Infrastructure 2.0 M Contingency 2.0 M Sum 30.9 M
Carsten Schwarz KP2 Collaborations: Working group: LEAR, COSY, SATURNE community MunichGermany Bochum Giessen Dresden Erlangen Jülich FerraraItaly Turin KrakowPoland Warsaw T. BarnesD. Bettoni R. CalabreseM. Düren S. GanzhurV. Hejny H. KochU. Lynen V. MetagH. Orth S. PaulK. Peters J. PochodzallaJ. Ritman L. SchmittC. Schwarz K. SethW. Weise U. Wiedner
Carsten Schwarz KP2