The United States has a bicameral Congress, meaning that it is composed of two different houses. The United States House of Representatives The United States Senate 435# of Members100 Each state receives a number based on their population…determined by Census every ten years How Many Each State Receives / How Determined? Each state receives two Senators…equal representation for each state 25 years oldAge Requirements30 years old 7 years as American citizen Resident of state elected from Citizenship Requirements9 years as American citizen Resident of state elected from Terms are for 2 yearsAmount of Time Representatives Serve Terms are for 6 years All 435 seats are up for grabs every two years How Elections are ConductedContinuous body – 1/3 of the seats are available every two years
South Carolina has six Congressional districts…meaning that we have six members that represent us in the United States House of Representatives Anderson County is part of the large 3 rd Congressional District of South Carolina. Congressman Jeff Duncan Republican Represents the 3 rd Congressional District of South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham Republican The Senior Senator from South Carolina in the United States Senate Senator Tim Scott Republican The Junior Senator from South Carolina in the United States Senate
Five Roles that Congressmen Perform… 1.They are legislators…they make laws! 2.They represent their constituents…or the people in their districts. 3.They serve on committees. 4.They serve their constituents. 5.They are politicians…trying to get reelected or elected to the next office. Trustees Don’t care about their constituents…feel that they were trusted to go to make the best decisions as each issue arises Delegates They were elected to vote the way that their constituents back home would…regardless of their own opinions or wishes Partisans Vote on every issue based on how their political party would vote without any other considerations Politico Combination of each of the others In committees, Senators and Representatives will screen potential bills to make changes and decide which bills should go on and which shouldn’t Committees will also perform an oversight function…making sure that the agencies of the executive branch are working effectively and with what Congress intended