ECML activities related to the languages of schooling Overview of ECML activitiesSusanna Slivensky A pluriliteracies approach to teaching for learning Oliver Meyer, ECML project coordinator Language skills for successful subject learning Eli Moe, ECML project coordinator
Early language learning – Parents - Plurilingual education Language education for migrants - Sign languages - CLIL - New Media - Assessment and testing - Employment and languages - Mobility and intercultural learning 2 ECML activities related to the languages of schooling Formal learning - informal learning - non-formal learning
Majority language instruction as a basis for plurilingual education Teaching the language of schooling in the context of diversity Involving parents in plurlilingual and intercultural education European portfolio for pre-primary educators The plurilingual and intercultural dimension A pluriliteracies approach to teaching for learning Language skills for successful subject learning ECML resources relevant for the languages of schooling
Descriptors for plurilingual and intercultural competences
Envisaged ECML programme responding to educational priorities in ECML member states L ANGUAGES AT THE HEART OF LEARNING Languages of schooling Foreign languages Regional and minority languages Sign languages Languages spoken at home Languages spoken in public Languages spoken with friends