Public Works Department Hot In Place Bituminous Pavement Recycling August, 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

Public Works Department Hot In Place Bituminous Pavement Recycling August, 2011

HISTORY n We Maintain 2729 Miles of Roadways n Roadways added annually Miles n Roadways using Hot In Place Recycling Miles Annually

Hot In Place Recycling Process n Heating of existing asphalt n Scarifying the heated pavement to 1” depth n Add recycling agent to restore viscosity n Laying of recycled asphalt n Apply additional 1.5” depth of asphalt

Hot In Place Recycling Video

Hot In Place Recycling Process Advantages: n Expedited process n Ideal for busy roads n Less disturbance to daily traffic n 15% to 20% less expensive than mill and overlay method n Provides equal or better pavement structural stability

Roads To Be Completed Under This Contract Total: 20 Miles

Contract IFB # Y J2 n Past contract expired on October 25, n Contract was issued on October 7, Two bids were received. n In December 28, 2010, contract was cancelled due to protest n Contract was re-issued on March 24, 2011 with modifications n Six addendums were issued

Contract IFB # Y J2 n Two bids were received: Cutler Paving HIP Paving LLC - Unresponsive No bid bond submitted n Purchasing queried potential bidders who failed to bid, received following responses: Not in Hot In Place Recycling business Competes with core paving operation Unwilling to be prime for sub-contractors Unable to acquire bond

n Pavement of these roads are deteriorating and require immediate repairs n Further delay would compromise pavement structural stability n This contract provides cost savings to the County n We have tried our best to make this contract fair and competitive Contract IFB # Y J2 Need

Action Requested nApproval to award Invitation for Bids Y J2, Term Contract for Hot In Place Asphalt Recycling, to the low responsive and responsible bidder, Cutler Repaving, Inc. The estimated contract amount is $3,590,200 for a 1- year term.

Public Works Department Hot In Place Bituminous Pavement Recycling August, 2011