3.01 Networks-Travel Back in Time Unit 3 Internet Basics
Introduction The Internet and the World Wide Web—are they the same or are they different?
Introduction Who invented the Internet and the Web, anyway?
Introduction Did you know that the definition of a web page is “an HTML file on a computer that has an IP number, identified by a URL address and transmitted in HTTP using TCP/IP standards”. What does that mean?
Introduction Did you know that from a URL address you can identify the name of the host computer and the country in which it is located? Read the next two lessons to find the answers to all these questions and more.
Introduction At the end of this lesson, you will be able to: – Describe networked computer functions (ACOS #1.B1) – Identify the parts of a URL – Define TCP/IP, HTML and hyperlinks
Lesson Many people think that the World Wide Web (WWW) is synonymous with the Internet, but the WWW is actually just a service that runs on the Internet. – The Internet consists of a network of interconnected computers that transmit data using standard Internet Protocol (IP). – The WWW, in contrast, is the total collection of information available on that portion of the Internet that contains hyperlinked documents.
Lesson A network is established any time two or more computers are connected together to share data, programs or hardware. – So the Internet is the system of connections; and the WWW is the information available on that system. – Other commonly known services operating over the Internet include and FTP (File Transfer Protocol).
Lesson Complete the ACT360 Network Tutorial – Take a screenshot at the end of the tutorial Save to your F Drive in your Unit 3 Folder as – 3.01 Network Tutorial
Lesson In the late 1950’s U. S. Dept of Defense was concerned about nuclear attack by the Soviet Union. In 1957, Russia became the first country to send a satellite—Sputnik—into orbit. That rattled the United States. – Our Defense Department got busy and connected military and university computers to assure that we could maintain control of our defense system in case of attack. – And that was the beginning of networked computers.
Lesson Workstations on a network share: – Data, programs, devices – Through a central computer called a server – Two-way transmission
Lesson: Topology Topology – The physical configuration/layout – A way of connecting computers, or nodes, on a network – Common topologies are: bus, ring, star, tree How do networked computers communicate with each other? The answer: TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol – NOTE: Protocol means a code of formal etiquette; the way things are supposed to transpire.
Lesson: TCP TCP – A way of packaging messages – Breaks messages into pieces that can be managed – It orders messages so it can be transmitted then arrive in a logical fashion – Then numbers each piece so it can be reordered upon receipt
Lesson: IP IP – Routes or directs messages correctly to a computer address – Each computer has a unique 32-bit IP address 4 sets of numbers Example:
Lesson: Protocols Protocols – Definition: a communications system used to transfer data over networks – A language that computers can understand – One of the most common protocols is Hypertext Transfer Protocol or – Others are File Transfer Protocol, ftp:// and newsgroups, news://
Lesson: HTML Hypertext Markup Language: HTML – Definition: the coding system for Web pages The Web is a collection of hyperlinked documents written in HTML Code many programs use HTML file converters; but knowing and understanding HTML code lets you do this to web pages: – repair – modify – update
Lesson: How Networks Work Watch eHow: How Networks Work – Take a screenshot at the end of video Save to your F Drive in your Unit 3 Folder as – 3.01 How Networks Work
Lesson: Review When networked computers first started, they relied on telephone lines to transmit data, which was slow if a large amount of data was being transmitted. It wasn’t until the 1980’s that Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol was invented, and that provided a faster way to transmit data. TCP/IP is a method of breaking messages into sections that are then reassembled into the original message. Transmission was now faster, but users were still not able to jump from web page to web page! So, many people contributed to the invention of the “Internet”. But what other invention led to the use of the World Wide Web as we know it today, when was it invented, and who was the inventor? What are advantages and disadvantages to computer networking ?
Task Conduct an Internet search and find the answers to the following 8 questions : 1.Who is credited with inventing the World Wide Web (be sure to search “World Wide Web” and not “Internet”)? 2. What was his invention? 3.What year did it appear? 4.Explain 3 advantages of computer networking. 5.Explain 3 disadvantages of computer networking. 6.In a large office setting why would it be more efficient and more cost effective to have computers networked with a file server instead of stand-alone computers? 7.As it relates to computer networks, what is a LAN? 8.As it relates to computer network, what is a WAN? Type out the 8 questions and the answers to each question – Save to your F Drive in your Unit 3 folder as » 3.01 History and Internet Dropbox. » Print it out
Are you finished? You should have 3 things saved on your F Drive in your Unit 3 Folder. – 3.01 Network Tutorial – 3.01 How Networks Work – 3.01 History and Internet Dropbox So, are you finished?