Time of Dying Write down 5 observations from the video clip.


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Presentation transcript:

Time of Dying Write down 5 observations from the video clip.

Take Aways What is trench warfare? What were some conditions faced by soldiers in WWI? What were some of the new weapons and technology used during WWI?

Series of trenches carved across Europe where soldiers would fight

Area between opposing trenches Littered with dead bodies, explosives, barbed wire, etc.

Trench foot Rats Dead bodies

Machine Guns Tanks Chemical warfare

Nerve Gas Chlorine Gas

Torpedoed ships in the Atlantic Ocean Often times, they would even take out passenger ships and supply ships

Take Aways What is trench warfare? What were some conditions faced by soldiers in WWI? What were some of the new weapons and technology used during WWI?

Please Do Now You are a soldier on the front lines. Write a letter home to your family, friends, loved ones, etc. –In your letter, you must include at least 5 factual things that soldiers would have faced. –Use your notes. –Underline your facts! Letter should be ¾ -to- a page hand written.