Business System Analysis Methodology Presentation
The following scenario will be addressed: a. Getting what you do not have: (Integrated system to manage the maintenance department spare parts and work orders). b. Getting rid of what you do have: (Poor spare parts inventory management and unneeded legacy system).
prototyping and reverse engineering of the current Perzak legacy system developments learned in the legacy system will provide a quick development program that will be much more faster to implement Microsoft Visio UML Methodology OO Techniques
Constraints: time, money, and functionality Prior to implementation, all functions must be drafted first
Non-IS Influences A development team must know how to anticipate unforeseen circumstances Resource Limits The development team must know its capability to estimate who will do what and the timeframe to achieve the stipulated objective in the contract
Cost - Benefit Analysis When expertise is available, reverse engineering is fast Net Present Value and Cost/economic analysis The net present value is positive. If it were negative, the project must be disregarded anyway.
Least Cost Alternative During reverse engineering stage, working in-house requires longer time and is expensive for the company Decision evaluation matrix The decision whether the business must move forward or wait with the idea in the application is made
Risk analysis To know the risks and how it will affect the company, the group must distribute the risks into their accurate category
Tangible and Intangible Benefits Reverse engineering will allow the company to save money The information generated is up-to-date in real time All employees will be trained on the usage of the new application before implementation of the new system
Process for handoff to development and implementation teams will be provided. A schedule must be available for post implementation audit. Each organization functions to maximize its efficiency and minimize losses. Inconsistencies is harmful for business interests.