Presidential Issues
Barack Obama vs Mitt Romney Barack (Barry)ObamaMitt(Willard)(Billy)Rom ney
Table Of Contents Page 1 Barack Obama Page 2 Mitt Romney Page 3 Economy and Jobs Page 4 Healthcare Page 5 Taxes Page 6 War and National Defense Page 7 Education Page 8 Immigration
Barack Obama Nickname:Barry Born:August 4 th 1961 in Honolulu,Hawaii Hometown:Chicago, Illinois Family:He has been married to Michelle Obama since 1992.They have 2 daughters Malia Age 14, Sasha age 11. Career:He has been our U.S president since January Hobbies:Watching and playing basketball,reading, writing,and cooking. Favorite Foods:Chili,french fries,and pork chops.
Mitt Romney Nickname:Willard,Billy Born:March 12 th 1947 in Detroit,Michigan. Hometown:Belmont, Massachusetts Family:He has been married to Anne Romney since1969.They have 5 grown sons and 18 grandchildren. Career:He was a governor of Massachusetts from 2003 to Hobbies:Reading,skiing, horseback riding,and water skiing. Favorite Foods:Meatloaf,pretze ls,and peanut butter M&M's.
Economy and Jobs Obama says things would be worse if he didn't be president. After taking office Obama signed a recovery plan that will save millions of jobs. The President says there's still work to be done. He wants to raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans and use that money. Mitt Romney says that President Obama hasn't done enough to create jobs. Romney wants to cut taxes on companies. He argues that the extra money would enable companies to hire more workers.
Healthcare Obama points out that he signed the affordable care act.(Many people call this law “Obama care”).The 2012 law gives millions more Americans access to affordable healthcare. Mitt Romney says he will work to repeal or officially cancel the affordable care act. He says the law will actually increase health costs for Americans
Taxes Temporarily extend the bush era tax cut for those who earn less than $250,000 dollars a year but let taxes of the wealthiest Americans go up. Barack Obama's point Make permanent across the board 20 percent cut in marginal tax rate,which means reducing the increased tax burden on wealthier Americans Mitt Romney's Point
War And National Defense Under Obama's command U.S troops killed Osama bin laden. He was the leader of the terrorist group that attacked the U.S on September 11 th 2001.Obama plans to bring home all U.S troops from Afghanistan by the end of He argues that Obama ignored the advice of military leaders about to withdraw American troops. Mitt Romney's Point
Education He wants to increase the amount the government aid to U.S schools especially to help fix those that are performing poorly. Barack Obama's point He says the U.S government shouldn't be so involved in education. Mitt Romney's point
Immigration Supports the DREAM Act,a responsible bill that will allow responsible young immigrants who came to the U.S illegally as children to earn path to citizenship by going to college or serving in the military. Reform immigration laws to allow more visas for highly skilled immigrants and grant permanent residency to foreign students who obtain advanced degrees in math,science,or engineering at a university.
Resources Scholastic News Magazine olitics/ denver-presidential-debate- obama-romney.html presidency/elections/58186.html?detoured=1
Qualifications (Barack Obama) Born In U.S.A:(yes) or no 35 years or older:(yes) or no Lived in the USA for the last 14+ years:(yes) or no
Qualifications (Mitt Romney) Born in USA:(yes) or no 35 years or older:(yes) or no Lived in the USA for the last 14+ years:(yes) or no