Software Tools Using PBS
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Using PBS PBS an open source job scheduler* and queue manager
PBS – Portable Batch System Others Torque Sun Grid Engine Platform LSF IBM Load Leveler PBS/Torque widely used
PBS openPBS – open source version PBSpro – commercial version
qsub [options] script Submits jobs to a queue (execution) Job specifications in the file script More on pbs scripts later Pbs will queue, schedule and launch job specified in the command/script qsub returns jobid - jobnumber.servername (9999.master)
qsub – common options -q queuename -- submit to the queue queuename -q -N name -- give the job the name name -N mybigjob1 -I – run the job in interactive mode rather than batch
qsub – common options -o path -- location of pbs output, defaults to ~owner -e path -- location of pbs error file, defaults to ~owner -a datetime --places job in a wait state until datetime datetime is [[[[CC]YY]MM]DD]hhmm[.SS] -- run a job on/after 5:00 pm on Feb. 14 -a
qsub – common options -m [a,b,e] a --mail is sent when the job is aborted by the batch system*. b --mail is sent when the job begins execution. e --mail is sent when the job terminates.
qsub – common options -M useraddress - defines mail addresses for (see –m) -M -S path define the location of the shell to interpret the script -S /bin/csh
qsub – common options -l job resource list (important) nodes=n ppn=m -l nodes=2:ppn=2
qstat - get status of jobs/queues qstat –a – get status report in alternative format
qstat –a – states E - Job is exiting after having run. H - Job is held. Q - job is queued, eligible to run or routed. R - job is running. T - job is being moved to new location. (not here) W - job is waiting for its execution time (qsub -a option) to be reached.
qstat – other options qstat –an -- lists jobs in queue/running. For running jobs shows nodes/processors assigned to the job.
qstat – options qstat –q -- list all queues and that status
qdel – deleting a job from the queue qdel jobid jobid is sequence_number[.server_name] for example – qdel 9999.master or qdel 9999
other PBS commands qhold jobid -- places job jobid on hold qrls jobid -- moves job jobid from hold to queued or executing status qalter jobid – modifies attributes of the job jobid specified in qsub after it is submitted ** not all attributes may be modified
other PBS commands qmove dest jobid -- moves job jobid from current queue to the queue dest for example – qmove short 9999
PBS qsub scripts Standard (almost) shell in whatever shell is supported on the system. Must include the line – mpirun myprog may include other statements/directives – like…
PBS qsub scripts – cont. a simple script – #!/bin/sh #PBS -N dem #PBS -q parallel #PBS -l nodes=2:ppn=2 mpirun -np 4 -machinefile $PBS_NODEFILE hello cat $PBS_NODEFILE
PBS scripts cont… then – qsub
PBS scripts cont… and your get dem.o Hello world! I'm node 1 Hello world! I'm node 2 Hello world! I'm node 3 Hello world! I'm node 0 node7 node6
For more information on PBS commands- System man pages “man qstat” bs/sld001.htm