Energy Efficiency in Germany - Welcome and Introduction November 17, 2015, Ljubljana Urban Peyker, energiewaechter GmbH, by order of Energy Efficiency Export Initiative sponsored by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy
Agenda Reasons for Energy Efficiency Governmental Strategies and Projects to improve Energy Efficiency: Overview of German Activities Energy Efficiency Export Initiative and Participating German Companies
Reasons for Energy Efficiency
Gap Energy saving Fossil fuels Renewables Climate Change and Energy Supply Source: Daniel Scherz; Scherz-Scherz Architekten, NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies
Source: Arbeitsgemeinschaft Energiebilanzen 2013 Import dependency and self supply of selected primary energy carriers in Germany (2013) Mineral oil Natural gas Black coal Reduction of Dependency on Imports
Price trends for fossil-fuel imports to Germany Energy costs climbing Source: BMWi 2014
Governmental Strategies and Projects to Improve Energy Efficiency: Overview on German Activities
„Energiewende“ – Goals At a Glance Source: BMWi 2014
Source: Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS), 2011 2011: Phase-out of eight nuclear power plants Deactivation of the remaining nine nuclear power plants until 2022 Growing share of renewable energies in energy production Importance of energy efficiency „Energiewende“ and the nuclear power phase phase-out in Germany
Source: BMWi 2014 Nuclear power phase-out timeline
Source: adapted from BMWi Overall concept Energy policy for growth and wealth Goals Secure, affordable and environmentally friendly energy supply Dimensions Grid Power Plants REEnEff Research Actors Federal, state, local authorities & EU: Framework Economy / Companies: Private Investments, Business Segments Public / Citizens: Acceptance, Contribution, Investments Monitoring Annual Report & every three years Progress Report „Energiewende“ – Action Plan
Energy Efficiency in the Infrastructure and Transport Road Transport Rail Transport Waterways/Shipping Aviation Telematics and Traffic Management Smart Grids Source: BMWi
Increasing electricity prices Willingness/ability to pay for renewable energies Distribution of costs between energy-intensive and other industries Decreasing international competitiveness of the industrial location Germany? Social equity - support for low-income households? Grid Stability Costs and acceptance of grid expansion to secure energy supplies „Energiewende“ – Main Challenges Source: German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi): Germany’s new energy policy, 2012
Energy Efficiency Export Initiative and the Participating German Companies
more Information on the Website Activities and services: Know-how Transfer Trade Missions Training/ Education Fact-Finding Missions Networking with Decision Makers and “Advocates” Private Companies The Energy Efficiency Export Initiative
Participating German Companies CompanyRepresentativeBusiness Segment Ebee Smart Technologies GmbH Mr Peter WilhelmCharging points for intelligent E-mobility eluminocity GmbHMr Peter Schroffenegger,Intelligent street lighting Hubject GmbHMr Manuel ScheibelB2B eRoaming-Plattform Lumenova GmbHMr Robert VirantFuture LED technologies
Participating German Companies CompanyRepresentativeBusiness Segment BASETECH GmbHMrInnovative purification systems Candilux GmbHMr Wolfgang SeilerFlexible lighting systems devolo AGMr Walter KrottSmart Homes
Contact Details: Urban Peyker, energiewaechter GmbH