Exploring the phase diagram of strongly interacting matter Exploring the QCD phase diagram at large μ B with heavy-ion collisions: Low-energy RHIC: search.


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Presentation transcript:

Exploring the phase diagram of strongly interacting matter Exploring the QCD phase diagram at large μ B with heavy-ion collisions: Low-energy RHIC: search for QCD-CP with bulk observables search for QCD-CP with bulk observables search for the QCD mixed phase with bulk observables scan of the phase diagram with bulk and rare observables

CBM Strategy: search for signatures of a first order phase transition by scanning carefully excitation functions of bulk and rare observables CBM observables (measured as function of beam energy and system size): Bulk observables with “unlimited” statistics, e.g. ~ kaons, Λ yields, spectra, Correlations, fluctuations Flow – scaling behavior, EOS? Rare probes with excellent statistics 10 8 , 10 6  Low-mass dileptons: 10 6 , ,  -mesons (each) (critical slowing down at CP: enhanced radiation) 10 6 J/ , 10 3  ’ Open charm: 10 4 D 0, D ±, D S, Λ c Charm production and propagation: ratio of charmonia and open charm Number of particles above given in “1 CBM unit” = 10 weeks minbias Au+Au collisions at 25 AGeV = 1 CBM year (100% beam availability) CBM Physics Book ready for submission in April 2009

CBM Progress Report 2008 (77 contributions) Editors: V. Friese, W. Müller

CBM organisation Chairman of the CB: Mihai Petrovici Management Board: Norbert Herrmann (Germany), Mihai Petrovici (Romania), Fouad Rami (France), Dieter Roehrich (Norway), Joachim Stroth (Germany), Johannes Wessels (Germany), Y. Zaitsev (Russia), S. Chattopadhyay (India) Spokesperson: P. Senger Deputy spokespersons: S. Chattopadhyay (India), Y. Zaitsev (Russia) Techn. coordinator: W. Müller Physics/Software coordinator: V. Friese Resources coordinator: J. Eschke (Germany)

Conceptual design and feasibility studies: side view front view Central Au+Au collision 25 AGeV (UrQMD): 770 reconstructed tracks Framework FAIRroot: Root + Virtual Monte Carlo Transport codes GEANT 3 & 4, FLUKA Event generators UrQMD, HSD, PLUTO Fast ("SIMDized") track reconstruction algorithms for online event selection using many-core architectures not fully realistic detector layouts and response functions Fast track reconstruction algorithms running graphic processing units: fitting: 22 million tracks/s track reconstruction efficiency > 96 % momentum resolution Δp/p < 1.5 % Example: Silicon Tracking System

 STS: 8 stations double-sided Silicon micro-strip sensors (8  0.4% X 0 )  MVD: 2 stations MAPS pixel sensors (0.3% X 0, 0.5% X 0 ) at z = 5cm and 10cm  no K and π identification, proton rejection via TOF 19k D k D - 10 weeks data taking: Open charm: benchmark for vertexing performance D  → K π π, cτ= 317 μm 10 9 centr. ev. eff = 2.6% S/B = 2.4 (D - ) 1.1 (D + ) D 0 → K π, cτ= 123 μm centr. ev. eff = 4.4% S/B = 6.4 (D 0 ) 2.1 (D 0 ) _ and ~ 6.4k D k D 0

ρ,ω,φρ,ω,φ J/ψ ρ, ω, φ J/ψ, ψ' Signal and background yields from physics event generators (HSD, UrQMD) Full event reconstruction based on realistic detector layout and response Feasibility studies for dileptons Electron id: RICH and TRD Muon id: segmented hadron absorber + tracking system 125(225) cm iron, 15(18) det. layers π suppression: factor 10 4 dominant background: e from π 0 Dalitz 125 cm Fe: 0.25 ident.  /event dominant background: μ from π, K decay (0.13/event)

Hardware R&D Large-area GEM as high-rate muon tracker (2 MHz cm -2 ) Silicon microstrip detectors: double-sided, pitch 60 μm, stereo angle 15 o, 300 μm thick, radiation-hard up to n eq cm -2 Transition Radiation Detector with double sided pad-readout electrode. High efficiency for TR up to 250 kHz cm -2 High-rate timing RPC with semi-conductive glass or ceramics electrodes. Time resolution 80 ps, rate capability 20 kHz cm -2 Micro-vertex detector based on Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors glass RICH mirror Forward Calorimeter (lead/scintillator) Front End Boards self-triggering read-out chip 128 ch, 32 MHz (n-XYTER)

Where are we ? feasibility studies  physics performance simulations ( ideal detectors ) ( realistic detector geometry and response) small size detector samples  demonstrator modules (rates, radiation hardness,...) larges size detector with FEE

Milestones in 2009 Beam test experiments High-rate RPCs with semi-conductive glass electrodes (built by Tsinghua Univ., USTC Hefei, China), April 2009 at GSI Silicon micro-strip detectors, GEM detectors, RICH prototype, read out by free-streaming FEE and DAQ (German-Indian- Russian-Polish-Romanian collaboration), August 2009 at GSI High-rate measurements with MWPC and RPCs at CERN (muon beam and gamma source) Simulations incl. realistic detector geometry (Collab. meeting in Oct)

CBM Timeline Simulations & analysis Constr.+ test of demonstrators R&D & constr. prototype det. R&D & constr. prototype FEE R&D & constr. prototype DAQ Integration and system tests Technical Design Reports Detector/FEE construction Detector/FEE installation

countries Total declared contributions Intended applications for experiments Guaranteed Contributions to experiments China France n/a0 Germany India Poland Romania Russia Spain Slovakia Possible Consortium A Austria Great Britain Possible Consortium B Finland Sweden Italy n/a Greece4.000 Slovenia6.000 sum Experiment funding in the FAIR start version (to be decided by the ISC)

Experiments in the FAIR start version Experiment Gesamtkosten CORE_E [k€] Basiskosten innerhalb des Projektes Deutsche Beteiligung inkl. Personalkosten [k€] BMBF Projektmittel [k€] % PANDA CBM APPA NUSTAR Summe CBM start version ?

HADES and CBM at SIS100 Beams at SIS100: 11 AGeV Au, 14 AGeV Ca, 29 GeV p Physics case:  In-medium properties of vector mesons  Nuclear matter equation-of-state at baryon densities up to 6 ρ 0  Properties of resonance matter in the vicinity of the phase transition  Charm production mechanisms at threshold beam energies  Charm propagation in nuclear matter  Multi-strange dibaryons ? Measurements:  Dilepton pairs  Collective flow of hadrons  Multi-strange hyperons in A+A collisions  D-mesons and charmonium in p+p and p+A collisions

Experiments with a Au-beam up to 11 AGeV Dielectron invariant mass spectra from central Au+Au collisions at 8 AGeV measured with HADES Ω Λ Ξ Hyperon measurements in central Au+Au collisions at 6 AGeV with CBM

Experiments with a 30 GeV proton beam 6 J/ψ recorded in events (b=0) (3·10 4 J/ψ per week) p+C → J/ψ +X J/ψ → μ + μ - p+C → D  +X D  → Kππ STS with 10 microstrip stations St.1-2: strip pitch 25 μm, strip length 10 mm St.3-8: strip pitch 60 μm, strip length mm 1-2 day workshop in April 2009 on CBM physics at SIS100

 1 st CBM-Russia-JINR meeting in Dubna, May 19-22, 2009  3 rd Meeting of the Russian/Ukrainian/German CBM-STS Consortium in Karelia, Russia, June 1-4, 2009  14 th CBM Collaboration meeting in Split, Croatia, Oct Upcoming meetings