Coseners meeting Sept Future of European ISOL Peter Butler
Coseners meeting Sept ISOL in Europe CRC, Louvain-la-Neuve ( ) REX-ISOLDE, CERN ( 2001) EXCYT, Catania (2006) SPIRAL, GANIL (2001) DRIBS, Dubna
Coseners meeting Sept World ISOL
Coseners meeting Sept Next generation ISOL facilities in Europe SPIRAL II HIE-ISOLDE EURISOL SPES
Coseners meeting Sept Existing IH-structure Existing 7 & 9-gap high- low- 1.2 MeV/u2.8 MeV/u4.5 MeV/u6 MeV/u8 MeV/u10 MeV/u RFQ 300 keV low- cavity solenoid diagnostic box high- HIE-ISOLDE CERN HIE-LINAC
Coseners meeting Sept Solid state RILIS is now installed RFQ cooler (ISCOOL) ready for exploitation SC LINAC 10 MeV/u construction EBIS, new RFQ Cooler, HRS upgrade HIGH-POWER TARGET UPGRADE HIE-ISOLDE timeline
A/q=6 Injector option A/q=6 Injector option AEL High intensity stable HI beams up to 14.5 A MeV DESIR Facility low energy RIB DESIR Facility low energy RIB Production Cave for other beams Transfer, fusion-evap, Production Cave for other beams Transfer, fusion-evap, HRS+RFQ Cooler Fission Production Cave Up to fiss./sec. Fission Production Cave Up to fiss./sec. A/q=3 HI source Up to 1mA A/q=3 HI source Up to 1mA A/q=2 source p, d, 3,4 He 5mA A/q=2 source p, d, 3,4 He 5mA LINAC GANIL/SPIRAL 1 today CIME cyclotron RIB at 1-20 AMeV (up to 9 AMeV for ff) Phase 1 Phase 2 SPIRAL-2 GANIL
Coseners meeting Sept RIB production SPIRAL-2 DESIR
Coseners meeting Sept
Coseners meeting Sept SPES 40 MeV p driver UCx target
EURISOL: GANIL? CIME would be replaced by a 100 MeV/u postaccelerator
Coseners meeting Sept EURISOL: CERN?
Coseners meeting Sept Low Power SPL (CERN) (1.4 GeV 50 kW to HIE-ISOLDE) High Power SPL (CERN) (1.4 GeV 3 MW to EUR-ISOLDE) Earliest 2020
Coseners meeting Sept EURISOL SITE COMPARISON COMMITTEE Alan Shotter (chair) Alex Mueller (IN2P3) Giacomo Cottone (INFN) Don Geesaman (ANL) Steve Myers (CERN) CERN, RAL, Legnaro, GANIL EURISOL Users Group Angela Bonacorrso (Italy, chair) Dieter Ackermann (Germany), Bertram Blank (France), Giacomo De Angelis (Italy), Ari Jokinen (Finland), Marek Lewitowicz (France), Robert Page (UK), Berta Rubio (Spain), Michael Thoennessen (USA)
Coseners meeting Sept FINIS