St. Oswald’s Primary School, Gosforth
Comenius HungaryGermany France Darlington
About us: The Global Council The global council consists of two children in each class of the juniors. Our job is to inform the other children about global issues and our partner school in Nepal. We also are planning to raise money for our partner school in Nepal. We have planned and led several global assemblies so far. We have meetings in school to discuss our issues, manage projects and take our school forward as a global school.
Emily and I were part of the first class to ever do the French nativity 3 years ago. We sang French Carols and spoke bilingually. Doing the French nativity helped us alot with our French speaking skills and acting. We were also on the radio and in the newspaper!
Miss Badel This year we had a Comenius Assistant, Mademoiselle Badel. She mainly taught French but she also took extension groups out for French during school, one of them was a French history group. We had many fun lessons with her. We even got taste some delicious crepes which she had made herself for us.they were very tasty!
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” ― Nelson MandelaNelson Mandela "As global citizens, it is our responsibility to become active participants in our democracy."
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