Havannah Primary School BBC Children in Need 2015
Everyone should be VERY proud of themselves today. Lots of effort has been put in to raise funds for this good cause.
So, what have you all been up to?
Reception and Year 1 have teamed up to make Christmas Cards for their family. So far, they have raised……… £127!
Year 2 Have held a ‘Danceathon!’ So far, they have raised…… £55.50!!!!
Year 3 have held a tombola, by donating toys, games and sweets. So far, they have raised….. £74.25!!
Year 4 held a ‘Colour in Pudsey’ competition. There were lots of entries but there can only be one winner…… Ben Turner!! £34.25!! They raised a grand total of..
Year 5 have had a pyjama and DVD day!! They have had LOTS of fun and ate LOTS of popcorn!! So far, they have raised……… £33.90!
Year 6 have been very hard at work to create DELICIOUS cakes and biscuits. So far they have raised…. …. a MASSIVE…….. £165.30!!!
All the teachers have chosen 2 children who they think have put in a special contribution to CIN. They are… Reception; Joy and Isobel. Year 1; Jimmy and Elliot. Year 2; Billy and Charlotte. Year 3; Nicholas and Lois. Year 4; Cody and Abigail. Year 5; Josh and Tommy.
Altogether, Havannah Primary School staff, children and parents have raised a grand total so far of………… Well done!! £490.20!!!!!!