Children need a place where they can feel comfortable and safe and where people really care about them.
I get help and support when my child has a problem.
Children need a place where they can feel comfortable and safe and where people really care about them. I get help and support when my child has a problem.
Children need a place where they can feel comfortable and safe and where people really care about them. The school works hard to make sure everyone feels safe, comfortable and cared for.
Children need a place where they can feel comfortable and safe and where people really care about them. The school works hard to make sure I feel safe, comfortable and cared for.
Every child should have people who encourage them to learn and do their best.
Staff know my child as an individual and support them well.
Every child should have people who encourage them to learn and do their best. Staff know me as an individual and support me.
Every child should have people who encourage them to learn and do their best. My child’s learning is progressing well.
Every child should have people who encourage them to learn and do their best. My learning is progressing well.
Every child should have people who encourage them to learn and do their best. My child is encouraged and stretched to work to the best of their ability.
Every child should have people who encourage them to learn and do their best. I am encouraged and challenged to work to the best of my ability.
Every child should have people who encourage them to learn and do their best. Staff are interested in my child’s learning and achievements away from school.
Every child should have people who encourage them to learn and do their best. Staff are interested in me and my achievements away from school.
Every child should have people who encourage them to learn and do their best. There are regular opportunities to share success at class, whole school and community level with parents and carers.
Every child should have people who encourage them to learn and do their best. There are times when I can share my success in my class, at assemblies and with the whole school community.
We all like to be as healthy as we can be.
My child can make healthy choices about what to eat.
We all like to be as healthy as we can be. I can make healthy choices about what to eat.
We all like to be as healthy as we can be. My child enjoys a positive lunchtime experience.
We all like to be as healthy as we can be. I enjoy lunchtime.
We all like to be as healthy as we can be. The school shares information with me about healthy lifestyles and positive choices
We all like to be as healthy as we can be. I learn about living a healthy lifestyle and positive choices.
We all like to be as healthy as we can be. My child benefits positively from activities provided outside the classroom and from school clubs.
We all like to be as healthy as we can be. I take part in activities outside the classroom, during lunchtime or after school clubs.
We all like to be as healthy as we can be. My child has opportunities to learn about feelings and relationships.
We all like to be as healthy as we can be. I have the opportunity to learn about my feelings and relationships
Children enjoy spending time doing something fun or interesting.
My child gets a chance to do things they enjoy at school.
Children enjoy spending time doing something fun or interesting. I get the chance to do things I enjoy at school.
Children enjoy spending time doing something fun or interesting. My child gets the opportunity to plan and make decisions about their learning with projects.
Children enjoy spending time doing something fun or interesting. I get the opportunity to plan and make decisions about my learning.
Children enjoy spending time doing something fun or interesting. My child gets a chance to share their learning.
Children enjoy spending time doing something fun or interesting. I get a chance to share my learning.
Children enjoy spending time doing something fun or interesting. The school encourages everyone to take part in activities that benefit individuals, the school and the wider community.
Children enjoy spending time doing something fun or interesting. The school encourages me to take part in activities that benefit me, the school and the wider community.
It is important that children are involved in decisions that affect them.
There is someone at the school who knows my child as an individual.
It is important that children are involved in decisions that affect them. There is someone in school who knows me as an individual.
It is important that children are involved in decisions that affect them. My child is treated fairly at school.
It is important that children are involved in decisions that affect them. I am treated fairly at school.
It is important that children are involved in decisions that affect them. The school keeps me well informed about my child and their progress.
It is important that children are involved in decisions that affect them. The school keeps me well informed about my progress.
It is important that children are involved in decisions that affect them. The school takes my child’s views into account and acts on them.
It is important that children are involved in decisions that affect them. The school takes my views into account and acts on them.
It is important that children are involved in decisions that affect them. There are opportunities for my child to be listened to and staff respond appropriately.
It is important that children are involved in decisions that affect them. I am listened to and staff respond appropriately.
Growing up involves learning to take good decisions and make sensible choices. The school has high expectations of children’s learning and behaviour.
Growing up involves learning to take good decisions and make sensible choices. My school has high expectations of my learning and behaviour.
Growing up involves learning to take good decisions and make sensible choices. Children have opportunities to contribute to the decisions that affect their learning and development.
Growing up involves learning to take good decisions and make sensible choices. I have opportunities to contribute to the decisions that affect my learning and development.
Growing up involves learning to take good decisions and make sensible choices. Children have opportunities to contribute at whole school level through groups and committees.
Growing up involves learning to take good decisions and make sensible choices. I have opportunities to contribute at whole school level through groups and committees.
Growing up involves learning to take good decisions and make sensible choices.
Everybody should feel accepted by the group of people around them. My child feels they belong in their class, the school and wider community.
Everybody should feel accepted by the group of people around them. I feel I belong in my class, the school and wider community.
Everybody should feel accepted by the group of people around them. My child can access help and support if there is a problem
Everybody should feel accepted by the group of people around them. I know how to access help and support if I have a problem.
Everybody should feel accepted by the group of people around them. My child knows what to do if they are worried about themselves or other people
Everybody should feel accepted by the group of people around them. I know what to do if I am worried about myself or other people.
It is important that everybody feels safe. We all need someone who helps us feel safe and protected from harm.
My child feels safe at school.
It is important that everybody feels safe. We all need someone who helps us feel safe and protected from harm. I feel safe at school.
It is important that everybody feels safe. We all need someone who helps us feel safe and protected from harm. Staff work hard to ensure children feel safe and my child knows who to go to for help.
It is important that everybody feels safe. We all need someone who helps us feel safe and protected from harm. Staff work hard to help me to feel safe and I know who to go to for help.
It is important that everybody feels safe. We all need someone who helps us feel safe and protected from harm. School staff support my child effectively when they feel less safe in school.
It is important that everybody feels safe. We all need someone who helps us feel safe and protected from harm. People look after me at school.
It is important that everybody feels safe. We all need someone who helps us feel safe and protected from harm. I know I have to work hard and do my best at school.
It is important that everybody feels safe. We all need someone who helps us feel safe and protected from harm. I can make healthy choices about what I eat.
It is important that everybody feels safe. We all need someone who helps us feel safe and protected from harm. I enjoy lunchtimes.
It is important that everybody feels safe. We all need someone who helps us feel safe and protected from harm. Work at school can be fun.
It is important that everybody feels safe. We all need someone who helps us feel safe and protected from harm. I get the chance to share my learning with others.
It is important that everybody feels safe. We all need someone who helps us feel safe and protected from harm. People listen to me at school.
It is important that everybody feels safe. We all need someone who helps us feel safe and protected from harm. I am expected to behave well at school.
It is important that everybody feels safe. We all need someone who helps us feel safe and protected from harm. I know what to do if I am worried about myself or someone else.
It is important that everybody feels safe. We all need someone who helps us feel safe and protected from harm. I feel safe at school.