Health Foods Presented by: Ritika Goyal
Contents Health foods known to us from centuries… Newly made health food products.... Probiotics Prebiotics Stenols and sterols
Foods that would add years to your life and life to your years…………..
A brief review…. Fruits and vegetables Good source of nutrients. Protection from a number of diseases. Spices Add taste to foods. Have antioxidant activities. Garlic Antimicrobial and anticarcinogenic. Prevention against cardiovascular diseases. Nuts Benefecial effects on blood lipids. Lowers the risk of coronary heart diseases.
Tea Reduces the risk of blood clots. Reduces body lipids. Maintains healthy circulatory system. Chocolate High flavonoid and phenolic content. High antioxidant activity. Legumes reduced risk of heart disease. contains protein and other compounds that help lower blood cholesterol.
Wines most of the medicinal properties of wine are in relation to its ethanol content. Contains flavonoids and polyphenolic compounds. Fish Contains omega 3 fatty acids. Have numerous beneficial effects on heart. Reduces the risk of heart attacks.
How much should I eat? Eat variety of fruits & vegetables: include broccoli, cauliflower, citrus Herbs & Spices: rosemary, Turmeric Garlic 1-3 fresh cloves per day Soy protein: 25 g/day Nuts/Almonds: 2 oz./day Oats: 3 g beta-glucan soluble fiber/day Grape Juice: 1-2 cups per day (1cup = 8oz.) Fish: 2 servings per week (serving = 3oz.) Black or Green Tea: 1-4 cups per day (1cup = 8oz.) Chocolate 1 cup of cocoa
New health foods……
Probiotic Foods Metchnikoff claimed that the intake of yogurt containing lactobacilli results in a reduction of toxin-producing bacteria in the gut and this increases the longevity of the host. Probiotics can be defined as – “A live microbial feed supplement which beneficially affects the host animal by improving its intestinal microbial balance.”
Beneficial effects of probiotic foods Produce lactic acid- lowers the pH of intestines and inhibiting bacterial villains such as Clostridium, Salmonella, Shigella, E. coli, etc. Decreases the production of a variety of toxic or carcinogenic metabolites. Aid absorption of minerals, especially calcium, due to increased intestinal acidity. Production of β- D- galactosidase enzymes that break down lactose. Produce a wide range of antimicrobial substances -acidophilin and bacteriocin etc. help to control pathogenic bacteria. Produce vitamins (especially Vitamin B and vitamin K) Act as barriers to prevent harmful bacteria from colonizing the intestines
An example: Disease Antibiotic treatment Diarrhea Disturbance of intestinal microbiota Clostridium overgrowth produces toxin
How can probiotics help in this case? Disease Antibiotic treatment Probiotics Disturbance of intestinal microbiota Microbiota Clostridium overgrowth in balance produces toxin
Use of probiotics….. All probiotics works effectively, if taken after meals, when stomach acid is lowest. Stomach acid destroys up to 99.9% of probiotics, if taken before a meal but only about 90%, if taken after meal. Thus, after meal intake ensures maximum delivery to the small intestine, where they reproduce rapidly, populating the colon. They do most of their good work in the small and large intestines, but they also help the mouth and esophagus to remain uninfected.
Why do we need health foods? We live in an “obesogenic” environment
940 calories, 44 g fat (20 g saturated fat), 2920 mg sodium Pepperoni Lovers Stuffed Crust Pizza (2 medium slices) Caramel Frappuccino 500 calories 16 g fat (10 g saturated), 17 teaspoons sugar 1,160 calories, 29 g fat(18 g saturated), 40 teaspoons sugar Large Triple Thick Chocolate Milkshake No nutritional value Replace healthy beverages Increase risk of obesity & type 2 diabetes Soft drinks