Renewing the Mandatory Health Programs and Services Guidelines Association of Public Health Epidemiologists of Ontario May 12, 2006
1 Background Mandatory Health Programs and Services Guidelines (MHPSG) Minimum requirements for fundamental public health services targeted at prevention of disease, health promotion and health protection to which all 36 Boards of Health are expected to comply 1997 MHPSG: 3 general standards and 14 program standards (3 thematic areas: Chronic Diseases & Injuries, Family Health and Infectious Diseases) 1999 review initiated Mandatory Program Steering Committee and 5 Technical Review Committees Consultations with Boards of Health and Ministries 2003 – 4 drafts of Standards (Chronic Diseases, Injury Prevention, Reproductive Health and Child Health) Ontario has been the leader in the establishment of standards for public health in Canada (Québec – program, BC in development process)
2 Background (cont’d) Review of MHPSG committed to in Operation Health Protection, Ministries involved MHP – Chronic Disease Prevention, Injury Prevention, Child Health and Reproductive Health (4 of 17 programs transferred in Fall 2005) MCYS – Healthy Babies Healthy Children component of Child Health MOHLTC – Control of Infectious Diseases, Infection Control, Rabies Control, STDs, TB Control, Vaccine Preventable Diseases, Food Safety, Safe Water, Sexual Health, Early Detection of Cancer, Health Hazard Investigation, Equal Access and Program Planning and Evaluation The final report from the Capacity Review Committee (CRC) recommends areas for improvement: Replace existing guidelines with program standards Inclusion of organizational standards (governance, human resources, financial, knowledge exchange) Greater link with performance management system
3 Considerations for New Standards Structure Move towards performance standards that are linked with specific performance measures for increased accountability Establish ongoing review, enhancement and support processes so that standards are continually evolving Content Technical revisions to reflect new science, evidence and best practices in public health Incorporate fundamental/core requirements for all public health programs to ensure consistency across the province Explore parameters to allow responsiveness to local health issues and needs Addition of Emergency Preparedness as a new specific program standard Potential for inclusion of standards to address organizational performance (governance, financial, human resources management, research and knowledge exchange, etc.)
4 Conceptual Model for Standards ORGANIZATIONAL STANDARDS PROGRAM STANDARDS PROGRAM AREAS Overarching Principles: Standards Integral component of Performance Management System Dynamic and evolving Social determinants of health Recognition of local priorities and contexts Program Areas: Chronic Diseases and Injury Prevention Family Health Infectious Diseases Emergency Preparedness (new) Program Standards: Goals Long-term Objectives Short-term Objectives Strategies/Activities (Population Health Assessment, Health Surveillance, Health Promotion, Disease and Injury Prevention and Health Protection) PERFORMANCE MEASURES Governance, HR, financial, knowledge exchange, etc. Core Flexible
5 Operational Model Performance Standards Strategic Committee (PSSC) Responsible for key deliverables including: process for ongoing review and refinement of the Standards (linked with PM Strategy); an overall framework to guide the development of the Standards; ongoing consultation; revised Standards and Measures; and a roll-out strategy for dissemination and uptake Report to CMOH and co-chaired by CRIB & a field representative Membership: Government: PHD, MHP and MCYS Field: representation from public health units (including epidemiologists), municipality and other expertise (academic, performance, financial, IT) Writing Teams 8 to 12 teams, approximately 6 people per team Responsible for drafting program standards – focused work & considerable time commitment Membership: government and field (including epidemiologists) Inter-Ministerial Committee Platform for discussion on priorities and information exchange across government Report to PSSC Membership: EDU, MCSCS, MCYS, MHP, MMAH, MOE, OMAFRA
6 Organization Reporting Advisory Technical Support Inter-Ministerial Committee Writing Teams Expert Advice CMOH/ADM Minister(s) Revised Standards Performance Standards Strategic Committee
7 Methodology Input and Advice (roundtables with field & experts) Strategic Framework (developed by PSSC) Writing Teams (PHD, MHP, field & consultants) 1 st Draft of Standards Consultation (with field & experts) 2 nd Draft of Standards Consultation (with field & experts) Final Draft Standards Performance Measurement Expert Advice Other inputs (e.g. PHAC endeavours, core competencies) Strategic Committee Review
8 Methodology (cont’d) 1 year time-frame Concurrent development across program areas Stakeholder consultation activities Input and advice from field via roundtables and Public Health Portal (potentially) Ongoing and specific sessions with AMO (PH Task Force), City of Toronto, key associations (OPHA, alPHa, APHEO) and others Supporting products Documents developed during review process to be disseminated (e.g. systematic and literature reviews, best practices documents, etc.) Communication Ongoing communication of process and progress
9 APPENDIX: Experience from Other Jurisdictions
10 Experience from other Jurisdictions (Québec) PH Program objectives and activities, different strategies Evaluation framework – progress reports by regions 2006, 2009 and 2012
11 Experience from other Jurisdictions (BC) A Framework for Core Functions in Public Health – in development (evidence papers, performance areas)
12 Experience from other Jurisdictions (US) Indicators Essential Public Health Services 1.Monitor health status to identify community health problems 2.Diagnose and investigate health problems and health hazards 3.Inform, educate and empower people about health issues 4.Mobilize community partnerships to identify and solve health problems 5.Develop policies and plans that support individual and community health efforts 6.Enforce laws and regulations that protect health and ensure safety 7.Link people to needed personal health services and assure the provision of health care when otherwise unavailable 8.Assure a competent public and personal health care workforce 9.Evaluate effectiveness, accessibility and quality of personal and population based health services 10.Research for new insights and innovative solutions to health problems Standard Assessment Questions 2 Levels State Local (Governance & System Performance) Healthy People overarching goals – Increase Quality and Years of Healthy Life, Eliminate Health Disparities 28 focus areas – with specific objectives 10 Leading Health Indicators (Physical Activity, Overweight & Obesity, Tobacco Use, Substance Use, Responsible Sexual Behaviour, Mental Health, Injury and Violence, Environmental Quality, Immunization, Access to Health Care) Emergency Preparedness & Response Guide Capacity Inventory