Denise Trombly Library Media Technology New Searles Elementary Nashua
Students arrive in groups or teachers borrow carts of encyclopedias, dictionaries etc. Research is completed in a relatively quiet space of the library.. Very outdated books ( ) Little or no interaction among students Educational value was minimal..answer questions Use was sporadic and became less as each year passed BOOOOOORING!
Found a large dumpster Mourned the loss of tradition Got book flea bites Rethought what was the most effective way for students to learn… Reference,Research, Technology and Library skills Analyzed collection development strategy Examined other models ( via webinars, books, talking with other librarians) Threw out lots of old lesson plans Bye
Learning commons ( used mostly in middle and high schools but ….) Maker Space ( more prevalent at all levels, flexible content) Technology hub ( knowledge and resources for the school and teachers) Challenge Groups ( gifted programs or non typical learners addressed) Media Center ( more than VHS) Active learning ( no more shhh libraries)
Fixed schedule classes that teach library skills Fixed schedule computer time 450+ students…34 % free and reduced….middle class Innovation is accepted and appreciated Parent involvement high Nashua also has large pockets of high tech Students are Digital natives who search and consume information differently than ever before
Active, blended learning environment.Traditional and New 1. Teaching Basic Reference Skills 2. Technology Club 3. Makerspace 4. NOOKs for books and on line 5. IPADS 6. Learning commons for research leveraging all tools…books and devices 7. Many classes have Chrome Books or Carts
Grade 4 & 5 before school and during recess or indoor “free time” Includes 4 broad groupings: 1. IPAD/I-movie, Photogrpahy 2. Coding ( and parent support for JAVA) 3. Make rSpace 4. GEEEK SQUAD ( supports teachers and students) We have 56 students who show up at 8AM
During Technology club and Free time Includes the following: Little Bits, Makey Makey, Dig, Legos, Flower making, Games, Alpha dice, Car bot and Bee bot, IPADS, Cameras, Coding support in the lab,
Trial assessment ( parent, student and teacher response) Does this teach necessary skills ? Evaluation??? Standardization of products in Maker Space and Subscriptions Recruit more volunteers for technology Team Cyber bullying and Internet Safety
Caines Arcade Caine's Arcade – YouTubeCaine's Arcade – YouTube Future MakersFuture makersFuture makers EDSURGE Edsurge guidesEdsurge guides Libraians guide to makerspace Libraians guide to makerspace Reinvneting Reference 2014 ALA Reinvneting Reference 2014 ALA Trends in libraries 3 Trends for Future of Childrens libraries3 Trends for Future of Childrens libraries Direction Reshaping curriculumReshaping curriculum See many vendors and presentations here at conference