Cherokee Elementary Media Center Orientation
Important things to know: Media Specialist: Mrs. Bentley Library Volunteer: Miss Sandy Bring your agenda. Your I.D. barcode is on the inside back cover. Agenda I.D.barcode
Things to Remember: Check-in your books Get a book buddy Use the OPAC if needed Choose 2 books You can keep them for up to two weeks. Check-out your books
Online Public Access Catalog
Self Service Station
Your media center has… Fiction Books-Books that are make-believe, not true (Picture Books & Chapter Books) Non-fiction Books-Books that are true, factual, and real-life Biographies-Books about a person’s life Reference Materials-Encyclopedias, Atlases, Almanacs, Dictionaries, Thesaurus, Record Books Award-Winning Books-Newberry & Caldecott Books
Picture Books Look for the 1 st letter of the author’s last name.
Chapter Books
Non-Fiction Section
Look for… Dewey Number
These will help you! Shelf Markers
These will help you! Aisle Numbers & Dewey Posters
Reference Materials
Award-Winning Books
Seasonal & Holiday Books
Computer Lab
If you need help… Use your resources: -Dewey Posters -Visit the OPAC -See us at the Circulation Desk
Library Rules: Walk Whisper Use your Book Buddy Put books in the correct place Use your time wisely Take care of books Return 2 books at a time Stand on the carpet while in line
This is a NO, NO!
No, No!
Come see us at the CES Library!