Paul VanRaden and John Cole Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory Beltsville, MD, USA 2004 Planned Changes to Models and Trait Definitions
S-1008 ANNUAL MEETING 2004 (2)P.M. VanRaden 2004 November 2004 Changes Pregnancy checks used in days open predictions ( DIM) Longevity for foreign Holstein bulls Single-trait longevity from Interbull Multi-trait processing at AIPL Foreign bull mean PL REL = 46% (was 38%), NM$ REL = 72% (was 71%) 15 countries (Other breeds Feb. 2005)
S-1008 ANNUAL MEETING 2004 (3)P.M. VanRaden Trait and Model Changes Adjust for past inbreeding (F) and expected future inbreeding (EFI) Adjust for differing parity SD Express yield PTA to 36-month age instead of mature equivalent Use cow instead of bull base for DPR Use 3.00 instead of breed means for SCS
S-1008 ANNUAL MEETING 2004 (4)P.M. VanRaden 2004 SCS Breed Means and Bases SCSHOLJERBSWGUEAYSMSH February 2005 base 3.00 PTA base change
S-1008 ANNUAL MEETING 2004 (5)P.M. VanRaden 2004 Daughter Pregnancy Rate Bases PTA DPRHOLJERBSWGUEAYSMSH 1995 cow mean PTA progress PTA base change
S-1008 ANNUAL MEETING 2004 (6)P.M. VanRaden 2004 Inbreeding Adjustments VanRaden and Smith, 1999, JDS 82:2771 F (past inbrd.) and EFI (future inbrd.) Regression on F in animal model (PTA 0 ) PTA EFI = PTA 0 + EFI * b yield.F Corr (current PTA, PTA EFI ) =.9976 Genetic trend for PTA EFI is reduced Yield trend 6% less, DPR 14% lower, PL 25% lower, SCS becomes slightly unfavorable Predict NM$ EFI = NM$ + 7 (F daus ) – 14 (EFI)
S-1008 ANNUAL MEETING 2004 (7)P.M. VanRaden 2004 Use in Mating Programs Replace EFI with progeny F PA NM$ = (NM$ sire + NM$ dam )/2 Progeny merit = PA NM$ – 14 [F prog - (EFI sire - EFI dam )/2] Similar to calving ease NM$ includes average value of SCE SCE has higher value for heifer matings, lower for cow matings
S-1008 ANNUAL MEETING 2004 (8)P.M. VanRaden 2004 Parity SD Adjustments Multiplicative or additive adjustments? Neither makes variances quite equal Combined approach (Funk et al, 1991 JDS) Lactation 1-5 deviations multiplied by [ ] (milk, fat, protein) [ ] (SCS) [ ] (DPR) Helps pass Interbull trend test 1 Corr (official, adjusted PTA) =.9998
S-1008 ANNUAL MEETING 2004 (9)P.M. VanRaden 2004 Age Adjustment for Yield PTA Use 36 months vs. mature equivalent Standardized and actual means similar Age factors are estimated more precisely More fair when breed maturity rates differ Proposed previously by USDA McDaniel (1973, JDS 56:959), Schutz (1994) Recommended by Holstein GAC, Oct 1994 Vetoed by Council in 1994 “to allow the industry time to consider the nature and effect of such a change.”
S-1008 ANNUAL MEETING 2004 (10)P.M. VanRaden 2004 Breed SD and Maturity Rates Age factors from Schutz, 1994 Yield traitsHOLJERBSWGUEAYSMSH 2000 SD / 1990 SD ME / 24 mo ME / 36 mo Net change in PTA SD
S-1008 ANNUAL MEETING 2004 (11)P.M. VanRaden 2004 Actual vs Standardized Means (current CA data, all lactations) Herd Averages Actual 36-month Equiv. Mature Equiv. Milk22,08021,87723,723 Fat Protein
S-1008 ANNUAL MEETING 2004 (12)P.M. VanRaden 2004 Genetic Trend (cow birth year) PTAHOLJERBSWGUEAYSMSH Net Merit Prot (lbs) Fat (lbs) Milk (lbs) Prod Life SCS DPR (%)
S-1008 ANNUAL MEETING 2004 (13)P.M. VanRaden 2004 Calving Ease Changes (Feb. 2005) Joint BSW-HOL evaluation (pending NAAB approval) 11,793 BSW, 3431 BSW-HOL calvings 12 million HOL calvings Includes breed-of-MGS effect Uses HOL (co)variance components and breed-specific bases
S-1008 ANNUAL MEETING 2004 (14)P.M. VanRaden 2004 Calving Ease Model Validation Results passed Interbull trend validation Joint BSW-HOL results compared to single-breed evaluations Correlations showed BSW data did not adversely affect HOL results.
S-1008 ANNUAL MEETING 2004 (15)P.M. VanRaden 2004 Product-moment Correlations Rank Correlations Breed Sire Sol MGS Sol Sire PDB MGS PDB Sire Sol MGS Sol Sire PDB MGS PDB BSW HOL Within-breed vs Joint Evaluation
S-1008 ANNUAL MEETING 2004 (16)P.M. VanRaden 2004 Summary for Calving Ease HOLBSW Sire Calving Ease8.3 ± ± 1.1 Daughter Calving Ease7.6 ± ± 0.8 SCE Reliability DCE Reliability
S-1008 ANNUAL MEETING 2004 (17)P.M. VanRaden 2004 Future Research Genetic evaluation of crossbreds Productive life trait definition Lactation length, yield correlations Trend tests prevent inbreeding adj. Yield trait model improvements Mendelian sampling variance Persistency, rate of maturity
S-1008 ANNUAL MEETING 2004 (18)P.M. VanRaden 2004 Summary Longevity from Interbull in Nov 2004 Brown Swiss calving ease in Feb 2005 Adjustments for inbreeding and for differing parity SD in Feb 2005 Age adjustment to 36 months instead of mature will affect breed means and SD
S-1008 ANNUAL MEETING 2004 (19)P.M. VanRaden 2004 Longevity Genetic Correlations Interbull, Sept USACANDEUNLDFRAITAGBR USA CAN DEU NLD FRA ITA GBR
S-1008 ANNUAL MEETING 2004 (20)P.M. VanRaden 2004 Sire Calving Ease Correlations Interbull, Oct USACANDEUNLDFRAITADNK USA CAN DEU NLD FRA ITA DNK
S-1008 ANNUAL MEETING 2004 (21)P.M. VanRaden 2004 Daughter Calving Ease Correlations Interbull, Oct USACANDEUNLDFRAITADNK USA CAN DEU NLD FRA ITA DNK