longitudinal redundancy check
Parity bit - History 1 A "parity track" was present on the first magnetic tape data storage in Parity in this form, applied across multiple parallel signals, is known as a transverse redundancy check. This can be combined with parity computed over multiple bits sent on a single signal, a longitudinal redundancy check. In a parallel bus, there is one longitudinal redundancy check bit per parallel signal.
ISO/IEC Track 1 1 LRC : Longitudinal redundancy check, calculated according to ISO/IEC
Error correction - Checksums 1 Checksum schemes include parity bits, check digits, and longitudinal redundancy checks. Some checksum schemes, such as the Damm algorithm, the Luhn algorithm, and the Verhoeff algorithm, are specifically designed to detect errors commonly introduced by humans in writing down or remembering identification numbers.
Magnetic stripe card - Financial cards 1 *'Longitudinal redundancy check' (Longitudinal redundancy check|LRC)— it is one character and a validity character calculated from other data on the track.
Magnetic stripe card - Financial cards 1 *'Longitudinal redundancy check' (Longitudinal redundancy check|LRC)— it is one character and a validity character calculated from other data on the track. Most reader devices do not return this value when the card is swiped to the presentation layer, and use it only to verify the input internally to the reader.
ISO/IEC Track 1 1 * LRC : Longitudinal redundancy check, calculated according to ISO/IEC
Check digit - International 1 * The final character encoded in a magnetic stripe card is a computed Longitudinal redundancy check.
List of algorithms - Error detection and correction 1 ** Longitudinal redundancy check (LRC)
Longitudinal redundancy check 1 In telecommunication, a 'longitudinal redundancy check' (LRC) or 'horizontal redundancy check' is a form of redundancy check that is applied independently to each of a parallel group of bit streams. The data must be divided into transmission blocks, to which the additional check data is added.
Longitudinal redundancy check - Pseudocode 1 International standard 'ISO 1155'[ catalogue_tc/catalogue_detail.htm?csnum ber=5723 ISO 1155:1978 Information processing -- Use of longitudinal parity to detect errors in information messages] states that a longitudinal redundancy check for a sequence of bytes may be computed in software by the following algorithm:
Longitudinal redundancy check - Pseudocode 1 Many protocols use an XOR-based longitudinal redundancy check byte,
For More Information, Visit: m/the-longitudinal- redundancy-check-toolkit.html m/the-longitudinal- redundancy-check-toolkit.html The Art of Service