A Ground Vehicle Simulation Design To Study Driver Display Concepts (IVSS-2003-MAS-02) for: 3rd Annual Intelligent Vehicle Systems Symposium National Defense Industrial Association June 9-12, 2003 AnnMarie Meldrum, Victor Paul, Al Reid, Harry J. Zywiol, Jr. US Army TACOM-TARDEC National Automotive Center (NAC) Ground Vehicle Simulation Laboratory (GVSL)
Background and Goal Simulation Design Requirements Simulation Design Features Conclusions Briefing Outline
Background -Increased fidelity and use of Driving Simulators -New vehicle designs are exploring advanced driving interfaces (displays, controls, information) Current Effort - Design a virtual motion simulation to enable - trade studies - supplement Crew station tech demos(e.g. FTTS, CAT) …that models the ground vehicle dynamics environment. Goal -Satisfy FCS, Objective Force mobility, human factors requirements -“operate on-the-move” (tele-ops, C2, increased op tempo) -“function without adverse physical effects” (mitigate sickness, info overload)
Simulation Design Requirements Displays – mimic two-man crew, head mounted & flat panel Motion – full 6 DOF Protocol – Design of Experiments (DOE) Console – wheeled vehicle with control loading Vehicle Dynamics – multi-body, Stryker design Database – turns, hills, cross-country Audio – own vehicle sounds Data Acquisition – to enable results of trades
Simulation Design Features Cab display Console Symbology Terrain/database 3-panel, 120x30 FOV, 21 inch Steering loader, brake, accel, gear Heading, speed, gear Integrated with display Roads, turns, features
Simulation Design Features (Cont’d) HMD Head Trackers(2) Vehicle Dynamics Motion Base, Audio COTS, Kaiser ProView™, XL 50, 40x30 FOV Multi-body, reacts to terrain and driver inputs COTS, InterSense InertiaCube™ Mounted on head and motion base Full 6-DOF, motion, audio cues
Experiment Protocol Design of Experiments Two fixed factors – HMD versus flat panel Analysis - Independent variables: Fixed factorial, repeated measures 2x4x2 (displays x vibration levels x course segments) Dependent variables: road following, speed, long and lat acceleration, steering wheel reversals, questionnaire ratings 12 subjects, civilian local population Separate Multivariate ANOVAs - Vibration and course segments Questionnaires(9) ANOVA Determine influence of displays, vibration, course on driver performance.
Conclusions Experiment not yet conducted (stay tuned) Simulation design set up for vehicle/crew-station trade studies -Effects of Active, Passive Suspension, hybrids on Crew Performance -Joystick, yoke, steering wheel controls…feed-through vibration, and road feel characteristic settings? -Optimum display design – what data & information to display, how to best render data – to make informed decisions -Optimize camera locations -Relatively? easy to modify simulation for tele-operations, UGV studies
For further information on this or any other GVSL products: Harry J. Zywiol, Jr. Team Leader, Motion Base Technologies TACOM-TARDEC 6501 E. Eleven Mile Road Warren, MI AMSTA-TR-N MS: 157, Bldg