White Bangle tiger. Alexis Moky 5H 12/10/2008 This power point is about a White Bangle tiger. I pick a White Bangle Tiger because I love Bangle Tigers.
Where do White Bangle Tiger live? Where do white bangle tigers live they live in India They live in a very big environment.
What does a white bangle tiger look like? A white bangle tiger has white fur and black strips. They have big claws and big paws. Tigers can get to live about years.In a zoo they can live about
What’s in their ecosystem? The grass they hide in. The rocks they sleep on. The animals that they feed on. The plants they lay in.
What living things are part of the ecosystem? The plants that they sleep in. The animals that they eat. The animals around them.
The non-living parts The non-living parts are the water that they drink. The air that they breath. The plants that they live on. The rocks that they sleep on.
Tigers role in the food chain. A white bangle tiger is at the top of the food chain. A white bangle tiger is a consumer. A white bangle tigers feed on pig, cattle and deer
Datagram White bangle tiger elks plants
Wrap up Hear are some facts about a White bangle tiger. I got my images from Google.