Do you dare to enter if so click here to continue…
You’re in a pleasant, comfortable, cosy home - like sort of room. Close to a million eyes are staring at you, and the crowd goes up to one mile long. A voice screams … The room turns into a empty sort of silence, and a path is slowly made as the crowd slowly steps aside only to reveal a woman. Wearing a silk dress with a solid gold crown with a large ruby within it. The crowd starts to mutter and chat again. From the distance you hear a baby begin to cry it’s little hart out and you cant bear the mystery no longer. “where am I? Who are you? What's going on?! ” you scream and as you do so the room falls silent again the woman begins to speak. “If you want to live stay as my slave or die…” Die… Stay as a slave …
Stay as a slave... You are demanded into a room the room is full to bursting with people. You panic you worry what else would you do. In the distance you still see no familiar faces, but you see a young girl younger then you younger then everyone around you. She only just makes a friendly smile at you and you give a small smirk back. The girl looks at you and you soon find yourself walking towards her. You both say nothing but the girl gives a small look down to the floor where you see a chain. A key lays up above a window sill and its just in your reach… Will you get the key and release her? Release the girl… Leave the girl…
Die… Your death is fast but painful as from behind you are shot by a bow and arrow lay within you. Retry
You release the girl but just at that moment the door opens you are caught in the act and are fed to a hungry tiger Release the girl… Retry
Leave the girl… Take it… Leave it… You leave the girl feeling very guilty but hope to return to release her, then the girl gives you something will you take it.
Take it… It appears to be a map of the area this would help moving around. The door opens slowly will you run? Run Stay
Run… You are tangled within a net, and now your head lay’s on a platter. After it was chopped off with a sharp bladed axe. Hahaha. You get caught by a guard and then lay on your death bed where death is at you side. Run… Retry
Stay!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are wise with your choices. Somebody else tries to escape, a trap they are tangled within a net the guards leave with the man will you now run? Run… Stay…
Run… You leave the room thinking you’ll live but suddenly all the doors around you slam shut you are trapped like a hamster in a cage, suddenly gas covers your eyes death is the only thing that can happen… Retry
Stay… You stay in the cellar suddenly you see two doors appear from thin air a glass door and a wooden door which will you open? Glass doorGlass door. Wooden door
Glass door. You have a choice to see a vision will you take it. Yes I will take it. No way.
Wooden door. You chose the wrong door sorry you fall through a trapped door and are fed to a hungry bunch of crocodiles. You’re journey ends here. Retry
Take It… You take the vision and pass through the next obstacle. Easy. Remember, turn left! Suddenly you wake only to see two tunnels, one on the left and one on the right. Which will you pick? leftleft or right.right.
Leave it… You leave the vision and you arrive back into your body. You see two tunnels one on the left and one on the right which will you take? Left right
Left… You see a light a bright beautiful light. In the distance you see the prison girl lying on the ground unconscious you stare at her, you eyes deepen and deepen. Slowly you walk to her and check to see if she still breaths. You hear the beating of her heart and she soon awakes. You pick her up and walk away with her she says she will help you and you agree to help her and she in return will help you get out. Some footsteps can be herd in the distance do you hide or stick to the spot? HideHide or Stick to the spotStick to the spot
Right… A deadly room everything you see disappears into the distance you run to go catch them but in seconds of your running you are out of breath. The room is a deep deep black, you don’t know if your standing on the floor or the wall. Suddenly the walls close in on you. You don’t realise until the touch your skin and squish you to death… Retry
Oh no you stick to the spot but at that moment you fall through a trapped door. Return to the beginning
You hide next to a big stone and see a tunnel go through the tunnel or stay? Go through the tunnel Stay
Go through the tunnel… Ouch something hit you in the dark and, before you no it you are in a coffin under the ground. Retry
Stay… You stay but you are a weary of this place though. A woman appears in the distance do you fight her or stay quite? Fight her Fight her or stay quitestay quite
Fight her… You fight her and win because you are a true hero !!!!!!!!! Well done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Click the big red button to go to the next slide.
Stay quite You stay quite and you never escape. You are a coward no hero you age day by day and will never see the sunlight again! retryretry
You go back through all the obstacles and free the girl in chains. Take this diamond as a reward