String-18 Development Workshop, Overview Azriel Goldschmidt AMANDA/ICECUBE Collaboration Meeting Berkeley March 2002
Agenda Overview -this- DOM FPGA Firmware GTP DAQ Software -domserver layer- JEJ DAQ Software -trigger + event builder- KH Feature Extraction CB
Where we are…. ~37 channels usable with Universal timestamps. Slow communications, request one hit at a time, large deadtime (even with Local Coincidence) Offline “event building”
And we are aiming for… Dead-time free muons/Other?: –Event buffering at DOM –Fast communications –Online event building Expand capabilities Data Analyses –string-18 only –In conjunction with AMANDA/TWR/SPASE
Proposal for future firmware development One person (czar) in charge of each firmware (e.g GTP-DOM, KHS- DOMCOM) Released versions available to ALL Czar incorporates contributions from others through well defined and documented APIs
The same type of scheme for Software blocks Need at least one more DOM-application coder Need cvs-type code sharing for all DOM and DAQ software
Prioritized List of Milestones (open to discussion) Buffering (2 or 3 phases): Firmware +DOM App+ DAQ soft. HIGH ~weeks Fast Communications (two or more options): Firmware +DOM App+ DAQ soft. HIGH ~weeks to ? DAQ domserver software/executive HIGH ~month High level triggering HIGH as soon as previous items ready (~month) FADC readout/ ping-pong/ATWD sampling speed: (depends on physics goals) MED At DOM trigger LC? High-threshold? Combination? Prescales? (relevant in the the pre fast-comm and pre-feature extraction world) Data format LOW Data merging (aligning): GPS or extra hardware scheme LOW Data transfer: trivial only need to watch data volume. LOW
Other software tools RDMC, visulaization, etc, LOW Simulations: what parameters? –LC, Deadtimes, Trigger sim, low+high gain, module to module variabilities, sampling speed, single-string simulations? ATWD Studies at full ~1kHz rate Calibrations: amplitudes, flasher measurement, very long light pulses