Report from the HEBT working group + Commissioning plan and Schedule 5th HIE-ISOLDE Physics Coordination Group Meeting D. Voulot on behalf of HEBT and commissioning Working Group 1/4/2014
HEBT layout Objectives : 03/11/14 XT00-XT01 available for tests 12/01/15 XT02 available for tests Inventory : 22 MQ + 41 PC (22+19 for REX) 4 MB + 4 PC 11 MC + 22 PC (1 per plane)
Magnets – All contracts placed; magnet manufacturing budget within estimates – Magnets production in line with prioritised installation planning Power converters – All contracts placed, some pre-series already at CERN – In-line with planning except for quadrupole power supplies. Second and third batch delayed -> no impact on commissioning planning Beam Instrumentation – Two types of DB (linac/HEBT) – Some uncertainties in the delivery of the long DBs – Should not affect machine start-up Vacuum – Vacuum chamber design on-going, delivery Sept-Oct 14 – Most component standard CERN contracts Support, Infrastructure, Survey – Infrastructure installation on-going – Magnet support installation as of mid-April Procurement status
Control – Warm Magnet Interlock (WIC) – Interlocks for Cryogenics, Vacuum, SCRF – Control hardware (Front End Computers) and timing Specification released, cabling/equipment requested, installation Oct-Nov. 14 Console application – Use standard BE-CO applications and tools Working set/knobs INCA database, TIMBER, DIAMON Specification of low level control on-going with equipment groups – Update existing REX applications E.g. BI application current and beam profile acquisition Energy scanner (beam energy and energy spread) Functionalities and layout defined, will be finalised (BE-OP) when the low level controls are available – Only develop new tools when necessary Linac phase-up Setting generator Time-of-flight system On-going, some high level application are already available Control and software
Commissioning planning (HEBT and SC linac) Periodic dry-runs – Periodic test of the machine in realistic conditions (≠ hardware tests) – Start as soon as the first equipment become available (Nov 14?) – Increasing step by step the scope of the dry-runs – Document the progress Machine ready-to-go date: 24 July 2015 – At this point the machine should be fully operational! Machine check out: 4 weeks – 1 st dry run with all components (including SCRF) – Some buffer time for debugging Beam commissioning: 7 weeks Oct 15 -> HIE-ISOLDE Physics
Dry run Check-list Magnets -> Polarity check -> WIC -> Current acquisition -> Field regulation -> Test console applications Beam instrumentation -> Test FC with current source -> Actuator movement -> Interlocks -> Si detector Control -> Test console applications -> TIMBER logging Vacuum Monitor and control REX-HIE vacuum from PVSS application. Cryo Monitor cryogenics from PVSS application. RF -> Remote start/stop of SCRF -> Acquisition of amplitude and phase -> Check NC and SCRF synchronisation * Planning: to be defined according to availability of equipment (new planning) * Prepare individual check-list for each dry-run
Machine check-out If periodic dry-run scheme works: – 27 July 2015 = machine ready for beam – Check that all the systems are ready to go (including SC linac) => max 1 week – Start beam commissioning If not: 4 weeks spare for debugging … if more physics is delayed
Beam commissioning 1.Stable beam from REXEBIS -> 1/6/ Beam transport through the SC part (solenoids only no RF) and transfer lines at 0.3 MeV/u -> 2 weeks 3.Commissioning of beam instrumentation with beam -> 1 week 4.Cross-check of the alignment with beam -> 1 week (optional) 5.Phase-up of the NC and SC linac using a dipole as energy spectrometer, establish voltage calibration and absolute phase error -> 2 weeks 6.Establish some base settings for different A/q and energies, measure transmission and energy spread, inject beam through Miniball -> 1 week 7.A/q scaling test at fixed energy -> 1 week 8.Beam characterisation: transverse and longitudinal emittances -> 2-3 weeks (optional) 9.Energy scaling for a fixed A/q (optional) 10.Test of OP software: setting generator and automatic optimiser (optional) 11.Energy measurement with TOF system (optional) * Minimum 7 weeks (only mandatory steps) * Full beam characterisation can be postponed to subsequent shutdowns * Some diagnostics and tools are not mandatory for delivering beam
Operation with one cryomodule Between October 2015 and 2015/16 shutdown only one cryomodule (5 cavities) will be available. Can we run with a missing cryomodule? The beam blows up but remains well inside +/- 20 mm aperture of the magnets The beam can be matched into the transport channel with the marching quadruplet without losses ±20 mm
Operation with one cryomodule No replacement optical elements needed, or movement of quads, if there is no second cryomodule in Phase 1. This assumes that the aperture after the first cryomodule is that of the HEBT at ±20 mm. Transverse emittance assumed as 0.35 mm.mrad (rather conservative, consistent with measurements). Max. available energy:
Operation with HIE-ISOLE Keep current operation scheme – ISOLDE operation team (daytime) – IMS piquet service (night and weekends) – No 24/24 shift – 24/24 CCC supervision (need training of PSB operators) Supervision of the cryo-plant and SC linac – Cryo-piquet during the first year (expect many intervention) – CCC supervision (TCR) when the system is more mature – RF piquet? (for the moment best effort system, has been working very well) Need OP team reinforcement (ISOLDE + REX + HIE +TSR?)
HEBT Working group members ANDREAZZA, William (BE-BI-ML) BAUCHE, Jeremie (TE-MSC-MNC) BRAVIN, Enrico (BE-BI-PM) CANTERO, Esteban Daniel (BE-BI-PM) FARANTATOS, Panagiotis (TE-MSC-MNC) FORMENTI, Fabio (TE-HDO) FRASER, Matthew Alexander (BE-RF-BR) GARCIA BORGE, Maria Jose (PH-SME-IS) GARCIA SOSA, Alex (BE-BI-PM) GAYDE, Jean-Christophe (EN-MEF-SU) GODDARD, Brennan (TE-ABT) HANKE, Klaus (BE-OP-PSB) KADI, Yacine (EN-HDO) KAUTZMANN, Guillaume (EN-MEF-SU) KOLEHMAINEN, Antti Juhani (EN-MME-EDS) KOWALSKA, Magdalena (PH-SME-IS) LANAIA, Davide (BE-OP-PSB) LEIBA, Benjamin (EN-MEF) MARTINO, Michele (TE-EPC-HPM) MERTENS, Volker (TE-HDO) MOMPO, Richard (TE-MPE-MS) NICQUEVERT, Bertrand (EN-MEF-QOP) SIESLING, Erwin (BE-OP-PSB) TIMMINS, Marc (EN-MME-EDS) VANDONI, Giovanna (TE-VSC-IVM) VENESS, Raymond (BE-BI-ML) VOULOT, Didier (BE-OP-PSB) ZOGRAFOS, Eleftherios (EN-MEF-INT) HIE Commissioning group members FADAKIS, Eleftherios (BE-OP-PSB) FRASER, Matthew Alexander (BE-RF-BR) LANAIA, Davide (BE-OP-PSB) SANCHEZ ALVAREZ, Jose-Luis (BE-OP-PSB) VOULOT, Didier (BE-OP-PSB) WENANDER, Fredrik John Carl (BE-ABP-HSL)