WP5D Meeting Results Seoul
2 IMT-Advanced Summary IMT.EVAL Completed Describes the methodology for evaluating IMT Advanced Contained in document IMT.EVAL Technology Description Template Completed Describes the characteristics of the candidate Radio Interface Technology (RIT) or Set of RIT (SRIT) Information to be provided by the candidate RIT or SRIT for each test environment Link Budget template attached to the TDT All documents now complete within WP5D for IMT Advanced Documents available on the IMT Advanced web site IMT Advanced schedule remains the same
3 IMT.REST “ Requirements, Evaluation criteria, and Submission Templates ” Contains Requirements for Services, Spectrum and Technical performance Contains Evaluation Criteria and Methodology Contains submission guidelines and Templates Each candidate technology must fill out a Description Template Each candidate technology must fill out a Compliance Template for Services, Spectrum and Technical Performance
4 Schedule for IMT-Advanced
5 M.1457 Revision 9 All 6 IMT-2000 technology Radio Interfaces submitted their intention to update to Revision 9 Both IMT-2000 CDMA MC and OFDMA TDD WMAN submitted updates that included an FDD and TDD component Submitted as updates to existing radio interface and not as new radio interfaces France and Germany still in opposition to having a TDD and FDD component in the same radio interface No decision as yet in WP5D whether a TDD and FDD update will be allowed for CDMA-MC and OFDMA TDD WMAN Precedence in that TDMA SC currently contains both an FDD and TDD component Next WP5D meeting (Feb 2009) is the official deadline for submitting final material for Rev 9 Deadline could possibly be extended because SG5 does not meet until Nov 2009 If no agreement at the next meeting whether the two radio interfaces can be submitted as updates, then there will be uncertainty as to the status of Revision 9 Rev 9 may not be approved in WP5D Rev 9 could be approved minus the two radio interfaces but this could create issues in SG5 May be best for CDMA-MC and OFDMA TDD WMAN to continue with their FDD and TDD updates
6 M.1580/1581 – Emission Requirements for IMT-2000 It was agreed that M.1580and M.1581 would be finalized at the next WP5D meeting in February 2009 Contributions for updates to M.1580/1 were received from 3GPP, 3GPP2 and WF Updates were included into the working document ACLR Information to be included for all technologies For consistency ACLR information will be requested for all IMT-2000 technologies Liaison will be sent to external organizations requesting ACLR information Both intra-system and, where available, inter-system ACLR values requested Request for user definition of ACLR as well as assumptions used in deriving these values Information to be provided by the next meeting of WP5D in February 2009 Test Tolerances for all M.1580 & M.1581 parameters Test Tolerances requested for all parameters included in M.1580 and M.1581
7 PARAMETERS OF IMT RADIO INTERFACE TECHNOLOGIES FOLLOWING WRC-07 3GPP2, 3GPP and WiMAX Forum submitted inputs based on the request from WP5D for Radio Interface parameters WP5D has compiled this information and re-sent it to the external organizations requesting confirmation 3GPP2 needs to confirm the information and send a reply to WP5D
8 Actions for 3GPP2 at Hawaii Meeting M.1457 Update Final material to WP5D for update of M – Action: ITU Ad-Hoc Reminder memo to OPs on M Update Roadmap M.1580/1581 Include ACLR information for M.1580 and M.1581 – Action: WG3 Include user definition of ACLR as well as assumptions used in deriving these values Include Test Tolerances for any parameters provided in M.1580/1 Radio Interface Parameters Confirm that Radio Interface Parameters compiled by WP5D are correct – Action: WG3