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North West Ordinance The Constitution Territories The South West: Mexican- American War Slavery & the new territories Dred Scott & John Brown Harriet Tubman Click on to go to pages Click on to go back
N-W Ordinance Slavery Constitution Territories Moving westward South West The North West Ordinance 1787 Lands never taken without consent Slavery outlawed The Indian Removal Act 1830 From East of to West of the Mississippi “Trail of Tears” 1838 Organisation of land by the government Surveying Square units and sub-units Sell by Auctions. (Land dealers speculate)
N-W Ordinance Slavery Constitution Territories South West The Indian Removal Act From East of to West of the Mississippi Andrew Jackson
N-W Ordinance Slavery Constitution Territories The Constitution South West How to protect individuals against the abuse of their civil liberties and rights by the federal Government.... We the People... The Bill of Rights = Amendments Freedom of speech, religion, assembly 2. Right to bear Arms 3. No soldier quartered in any house without consent 4. Right to be secure in your own home, as a person 5. No trial unless after an indictment by a grand jury 6. The right to a public trial, impartial jury, assistance of counsel 7. The right of Trial by Jury of your peers 8. No exessive fines nor punishments shall be imposed 9. Rights in the constitution shall not conflict with other rights. 10. Powers not in the constitution: reserved to the people How to protect individuals against the abuse of their civil liberties and rights by the federal Government.... We the People... The Bill of Rights = Amendments Freedom of speech, religion, assembly 2. Right to bear Arms 3. No soldier quartered in any house without consent 4. Right to be secure in your own home, as a person 5. No trial unless after an indictment by a grand jury 6. The right to a public trial, impartial jury, assistance of counsel 7. The right of Trial by Jury of your peers 8. No exessive fines nor punishments shall be imposed 9. Rights in the constitution shall not conflict with other rights. 10. Powers not in the constitution: reserved to the people
N-W Ordinance Slavery Constitution TerritoriesTerritoriesTerritories South West The North West Territories Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin the Ohio river The South West Territories Kansas Oklahoma Nebraska etc.
N-W Ordinance Slavery Constitution Territories South West The war with Mexico Keywords: Manifest Destiny Sam Houston Texas Independence Santa Anna “it’s a foreign invasion of Mexico” 1846/1847 Keywords: Manifest Destiny Sam Houston Texas Independence Santa Anna “it’s a foreign invasion of Mexico” 1846/1847 War with Mexico
N-W Ordinance Slavery Constitution TerritoriesSlaverySlavery South West Slavery in new Territories The Missouri Compromise The Fugitive Slave Act Underground Railroad Bleeding Kansas
Dred Scott Railway Slavery Harriet B.Stowe Harriet Beecher Stowe John Brown Synopsis : Eliza Harris, a slave whose child is to be sold, escapes her beloved plantation home in Kentucky and heads North, eludes the hired slave catchers and is aided by the Underground Railroad. Another slave, Uncle Tom, is sold "down the river" and suffers torture and death under the whips of a sadistic master, but Tom remains steadfast in his belief in a merciful God. Published in 1852nderground Railroad
Dred Scott Railway Slavery Harriet B.Stowe Harriet Beecher Stowe John Brown public furor over the 1850 Fugitive Slave Law, mandating the return of runaway slaves, already in the North, to their owners.
Dred Scott Railway Slavery Harriet B.Stowe Dred Scott John Brown Supreme Court Decisions: All people of African ancestry can not become citizens of the United States: the Constitution does not apply to them! The federal government cannot prohibit slavery in the states
Dred Scott Railway Slavery Harriet B.Stowe John Brown Keywords: Bleeding Kansas Harpers Ferry Martyrdom Executed The South concluded that the North would even use force to end slavery. John Brown: hero or terrorist?
Dred Scott Railway Slavery Harriet B.Stowe John Brown SlaverySlavery Slaves for sale
Dred Scott Railway Slavery Harriet B.Stowe John Brown SlaverySlavery The first African slaves in North America had arrived at the English colony of Virginia aboard a Dutch ship in 1619 “Middle Passage” across the Atlantic Ocean Spread of slavery by 1830:
Dred Scott Railroad Slavery Harriet B.Stowe John Brown Underground Railroad
Dred Scott Railway Slavery Harriet B.Stowe Harriet Tubman John Brown Born into slavery (1820) in Maryland Started to work when she was 4 or 5 Escaped to Philadelphia when she was 29 Helped more than 300 slaves escape, including her own parents A $40,000 reward was offered for her, “alive or dead” “On my underground railroad I never ran my train off the track, and I never lost a passenger.”
Music: “Negro Spirituals” “Follow the Drinking Gourd”
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