1 English 1010 Writing Workshop Spring 2013 Meet twice a week M, Th (Sec.1a) Monday 4:10-6:00 (2-116) Thursday 4:10-6:00 (2-221) Phone: Website: Office Hours:
2 English 1010 Writing Workshop Spring 2013 Meet twice a week T, Th (Sec.1b) Tuesday 4:10-6:00 (2-105) Thursday 8:00-9:50 (2-215) Phone: Website: Office Hours:
3 What are we doing today? Class introduction & Syllabus Talk about the class and whats expected (your homework ect) Get to know you Please write down your information on the sheet I will try to take a short conversation with each student Writing activity. Tell me what you did this New Year or Spring Festival. I want to check your writing ability. Tell me your TOEFL score. Talk about thesis statements. Read p.5
4 ENGL 1010 Course Description Please follow along with your syllabus What will you learn? This course will teach you how to write college-level English essays. What will you do? You will write 4 essays in different genres. You will read and analyze your classmates' writings. You will learn how to write more professionally. You will make a writing portfolio for the final project. You will need your essays for the portfolio project – Don't throw them away! We will do activities and group discussions. You will read many stories and sample essays.
5 Goals: > Select a topic you are interested in.. > Discuss the topic in an organized way. > Choose your audience – Who are you writing to? > Respond well to your audience. Try to answer all their questions. > You must have a goal or purpose in your essay. > Your purpose must be clear and supported with evidence and examples. > You must show your critical thinking skills. > You must use thoughts and ideas of others to support your essay (we will discuss more about this later). > Show depth in your essay – Explore, question, and consider. KEEP IT INTERESTING!
6 ENGL 1010 Textbook College Writing Skills With Readings Sixth Edition I will also use: Focus on Vocabulary 2 You may also use: The St. Martin's Guide to Writing (Recommended)
7 Assignments: You will write 4 essays and make a portfolio. 1. Remembering an Event ( words) Something that happened to you. An interesting event that you remember clearly. 2. Writing a Profile ( words) You will describe something or someone. 3. Proposing a Solution ( words) You will discuss a problem and explain how to fix it 4. Justifying an Evaluation ( words) You will give evidence to support a decision. 5.Portfolio You will choose 5 journal entries to put in your portfolio. 6. Journal Entries These will be given by the instructor. They will cover various topics. 7. Vocabulary Quiz A weekly quiz on the target words
8 Grading: The grading scale is: % = A 80-89% = B 70-79% = C 60-69%=D Points: The 4 essays are worth 150 points each The portfolio is worth 200 points Journal entries are worth a total of 100 points
9 What is a good paper? To get an A, you will need to have the following: > The essay is carefully made and well thought-out. > The introduction is good and captures the interest of the reader > At the end of the introduction, the reader knows the essay topic clearly. > The main topic is clearly expressed. > The main topic is creative and new. It stands out. > The main idea is well developed. You have already considered any problems that may come up. > The transition is smooth and logical. > Each paragraph has a clear relation to the main topic. > Major points are explored. > There is evidence and examples to support your essay. > There are good vocabulary words and sentences. > The writer's tone is clear and consistent > There are few mistakes. Be careful of spelling and run-on sentences. > The conclusion is done correctly. > Research is correctly documented. Cite your sources.
10 Deadlines (due dates) Assignments must be ready by the beginning of class. If it is handed in later it will be late. Format: –Use 12-point Times New Roman font –Use 2.54 cm margins –Double-space the essay –Indent the start of each paragraph –Provide a heading –Put page numbers on the essay –Staple the pages together in the top left-hand corner
11 Class Schedule Week 1, Class A Syllabus Short Writing Week 1, Class B Homework: Journal 1 Week 2, Class B Week 2, Class A
12 Class Schedule: W1 Introduction, syllabus, journal 1 W2 MLA Style, Essay 1: Remembering an Event W3 Reading Assignment, Essay introductions W4 Essay 1 Due (rough draft) Revising, Peer Review
13 Week 1-3 Vocabulary Words: capacity, diverse, evidence, item complex, element, evolve, manipulate consequences, encounter, furthermore, neutral, contemporary, environment, generation, source, contrast, estimate, global, symbolize, decline, eventually, interact, transform
14 Course Policies: This course follows the policies of UC Denver's Composition Program. Please check the UC Denver website for more information. Attendance Policy: –You may have 2 unexcused absences. After this, each class missed results in a one-third reduction for the final course grade. For example a B- becomes a C+ with 4 unexcused absences. –Being late to class three times (more than five minutes late) is the same as one absence.
15 Late Work: If your work is turned in late it will go down by one-half grade for each class period missed. For example a B becomes a C+ if your assignment is turned in one course late. Plagiarism: –You must do your own original work. –You can get ideas from other people, but you must write it down. –This is called citing sources. –Plagiarism is very serious and you will be reminded about it in this course. –If you plagiarize something, then the professor will talk to you privately. –If you continue to plagiarize, you may fail the course.
16 What is Plagiarism? Plagiarism is the use of another person's ideas or words without acknowledgment. You must say if it is not your idea. Examples of Plagiarism: –Word for word (exact) copying of another person's ideas or words –Mosaic copying of another person's ideas or words (putting some of your words into an exact copy of another person's ideas or words). –Paraphrase copying (rewriting, but the idea is still another person's) –Fabrication (making fake sources) –Submission of another person's work as your own (adding your name to another person's essay) –Neglecting quotation marks (not using quotation marks “ “ ) Exception: common knowledge
17 Code of Conduct: Be nice. Treat other students with respect. Make everyone feel comfortable. No talking while the professor is talking. Please Note: –No cell phones (mobile phones) –No MP3 Players –No Laptops – you won't need them. –Bring in printed copies of drafts for peer reviews.
18 Short Assignment: Take out a piece of paper. Write down what you did this New Year break and Spring Festival. Should be words. I will collect it after. While you are writing, I will come around and ask some information about you. I need to get your name, , TOEFL score, what school you plan to go. Hints: Where did you go? What did you do? Who did you meet? What did you eat? Anything special? Did you set off fireworks?