CYGWIN install Step1. go to the website, download the setup.exe(click on the icon, install cygwin now) Step2. Double click one setup.exe,install cygwin,make sure X11 package and openssh package(openssh is in the net directory) are installed.
Connect to soclab – method (1) Open cygwin bash Type xwin –from -query You will see a window popup ask for your account and password. Open a console Type source /cad/mentor/cic_setup/modelsim.csh Type vsim &
Connect to soclab – method (2) Find the batch file startxwin.bat in \cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin Double click on it,a bsh terminal will show up Type xhost + Type ssh –l After input your password,type setenv DISPLAY :0 Type source /cad/mentor/cic_setup/modelsim.csh Type vsim &
Connect to soclab – else method Another program, Xwin32, can be used to provide a graphical interface, but without a license it will shutdown in 30 minutes. You can download the software from here
Modelsim teach You can find many assistance in help of modelsim,including a tutorial. If you can’t open tutorial from help you can find the document from n.asp