HIST 206 HISTORY OF TURKISH REPUBLIC Textbook used for the course: Erik J. Zürcher Turkey: A Modern History, I.B. Tauris 2004.


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Presentation transcript:

HIST 206 HISTORY OF TURKISH REPUBLIC Textbook used for the course: Erik J. Zürcher Turkey: A Modern History, I.B. Tauris 2004.

This course aims to analyze Turkish politics from a historical perspective. The course starts with focusing on the foundation of Turkish Republic by giving particular emphasis on Kemalist ideas that aimed to establish a Republic based on the will of Turkish people.

The course will analyze political developments in Turkey since Atatürk’s death. In this concept, legal code in Turkey, Turkish educational system, economy, domestic politics and foreign policy will be evaluated in light critical junctures in history of Turkish Republic.

The second part of the course will evaluate the position of Turkey during the Second World War, rule of Democratic Party , and the military take over of 1960 and 1980 as well as the 1971 ultimatum and restoration of democracy.

Part II- Section 9 The Peace Treaty of Lausanne Main Representatives: Britain, France, Italy, Greece and Turkey Main Issues: 1. Territorial and military 2.Economic and Financial 3. Position of Foreigners and Minorities

Part II- section 10 The Emergence of One-Party State Turkish Republic was proclaimed on 23 October Caliphate was abolished on 1 March 1924.

The Nationalist Party in Split: Establishment of the Progressive Republican Party The new Part’s Program –Western liberal line –In favor of the secular and nationalist policies Supporters of the new Party –Conservative East, İstanbul&İzmir

The Sheikh Sait Rebellion and Kurdish Nationalism Main Goals of the Rebellion: 1. Autonomous/ Independent Kurdistan 2. Restoration of Holy law and Caliphate Suppression of the Rebellion: 1. Role of the Law on the Maintenance of Order 2. Role of the Tribunals

Part II- section 10 Reform and Executions: An authoritarian systems with radical reforms imposed from above. Secularization of state, education and legal system. Secularization and modernization of the society.

Day of Reckoning Assasination attempt against Mustafa Kemal in İzmir. End of an Era (Büyük Nutuk) An important text Prepared as a report on the history of Turkish national movement from 1917 to 1927.

Part II- Section 11 The Kemalist One-Party State The Political System of Turkey: Party and State ( ) At the Party Congress of Republican People's Party (RPP) of 1931, the political system was declared as a one-party state. No political opposition till the end of WWII.

Tutelary Democracy The RPP's Totalitarian Tendencies: –Social and cultural organizations were suppressed. –Turkish Hearths were closed down. –Replaced with People's Homes and People's Rooms. –Turkish Women's were closed down.

Kemalist Message Principles of Kemalism –1. Republicanism –2. Secularism –3. Populism –4. Nationalism –5. Statism –6. Reformism/ Revolutionism

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's Death and İnonü as National Leader Reasons why İnönü was elected as the 2 nd President of Turkey. Reform Policies –Alphabet and Language Reforms –History Thesis

Economic Policies in the One- Party Era The New Turkish Economic School –Mixed aconomy –Financial policies: Balanced budget Low inflation Strong lira. The Statism vs. Liberalism Debate

Foreign Relations Not ease with change Maintaining the status quo Relations with European Countries: –Britain: Problem over Mosul –France: Ottoman debt and Hatay problem Turkey in the Second World War

Part II- Section 12 The Transition to Democracy Socio-economic factors for Change Domestic pressures 2. International factors for Change External pressures The Process of Democratization and the 1950 Elections: –A smooth transition from authoritarian regime to democracy.

Part III- Section 13 The Rule of Democratic Party New Cabinet and the Assembly – A different segment of Turkish elite. Relations of DP and RPP – Difficult from the beginning Elections – DP got about 58% of the votes. Economic policies, Income distribution and Social policies, – Economic liberalization started. No improvement in social policies. Accumulation of Economic Problems Issue of Secularism

Foreign relations during Democratic Party rule Atlantic Turkey NATO membership Regional Alliances –Turkish-Pakistani Treaty of Cooperation –Turkey and Iraq The DP and the Military – The fear of DP from a possible military intervention.

Part III- Section 14 The Era The military takeover of 1960 – Reasons of the military's intervention. – Role of National Unity Committee Return to democracy – New Constitution and the role of law professors. Trail of the old regime – Legal cases against DP. A period of transition Demirel in Power RPP moves left of the center

The military Ultimatum of 1971 Not a complete military takeover elections War in Cyprus and 1974 early elections 1977 elections –Political violence Right and Left wing groups' struggle.

Turkey since 1980 Military takeover of 1980 Last military coup in Turkey. Suppression of terrorism New Constitution and 1983 elections Political parties joined the elections: Party of Nationalist Democracy, Populist Party, Motherland Party. Democracy on a narrow road