The Elements of Design Chapter 10
Industrial Traditional Contemporary Country FrenchRococoAsian
Space Line Form Texture Color
Space is the area provided for a particular purpose. Space can be defined by walls, dividers, or other objects. Any space- no matter the size or shape- can be divided into distinct parts. EX: The furnishings not walls, define space in this open kitchen.
Divisions of space can provide a sense of security and privacy. EX: Fences and hedges are used to accomplish this purpose outdoors and screen out unwanted views and noises.
It may have two dimensions (length and width) such as a floor, or it may have three dimensions (length, width, and height), such as a room or dwelling
Space is probably the most important element of design. It gives us the ability to change. Space changes as we move, as light changes, or physically by where we are located. Basic space problems people encounter: ◦ Having too much space ◦ Not having enough space Space is more pleasing when it changes gradually- instead of abruptly.
Too little space can create a feeling of being exposed.
Very large rooms designed for many people can produce a lonely feeling when a person is alone.
Space is affected by the number and size of objects in it.
Many objects scattered throughout a room will most likely destroy the design effect because the space will have no apparent organization or unity.
Objects grouped into large units will create a more ordered space.
Space When space changes gradually, it is more pleasing than when it changes abruptly. When space changes suddenly, the eye shifts from one view to the other without making a smooth transition.
The key is to keep the eye moving in an uninterrupted way, causing our brain to think the room is larger. 1. allow large openings between rooms 2. place furniture near walls 3. use small furniture, patterns and textures 4. use a minimum of furnishings and accessories 5. allow for empty spaces between furniture and on walls
Good space planning helps people feel more comfortable in their environments. 6. allow as much floor to show as possible 7. use mirrors to create the illusion of space 8. unify spaces by using the same floor/wall coverings 9. use light, cool colors 10. place lighting on the outside of the room or underneath furniture
1. place furniture perpendicular to the walls 2. use furniture of differing heights 3. group furniture according to areas of activity 4. use large furniture that sits directly on the floor
5. use large, contrasting patterns, colors and textures 6. use warm, dark colors 7. use natural lighting 8. use soft, rough textures to absorb sound
Remember: If space is not correctly planned, the other elements of design will not be as effective.
Space is affected by the Number and Size of the objects in it. Too little space = a feeling of being exposed, loss of privacy. Too much space = lonely feeling. It is important to be aware of the feeling of space and use it to enhance design.
Positive vs. Negative Space It is important in our designs to include both positive and negative space to achieve a look of overall balance. Positive is filled space while negative is empty space. Too much positive space can cause the space to feel cluttered. Too much negative space can cause the space to feel empty. Using the space guidelines from the previous pages will help to add overall balance to the design.
The outline of an object 2 points that are connected They give direction and divide space.
Line is the visual direction of a design. It can be used to emphasize a pleasing element or disguise an undesirable one. Different types of lines have different effects on design.
Different types of lines have different effects: ◦ Vertical Lines ◦ Horizontal Lines ◦ Diagonal Lines ◦ Curved Lines
Vertical lines lead the eye up, adding height, formality, and strength to a design. Can be seen in: TTall furniture CColumns PPillars SStriped wallpaper LLong narrow draperies
Vertical lines– feeling of power, dignity and masculinity, height
Vertical lines can make rooms seem more spacious than they actually are and ceilings appear higher.
Horizontal lines lead the eye to the left or right, suggesting informality and restfulness. Can be seen in: LLong, low roofs LLong, low furniture pieces such as sofas and chests
Horizontal lines—sturdy, calm, restful
Horizontal lines can make buildings, rooms, and furniture seem wider and shorter.
Diagonal lines suggest action, movement and excitement. Can be seen in: SStaircases CCathedral ceilings GGable Roofs
Diagonal lines— create activity and motion
Too many curved lines create a busy look. Can be seen in: DDoorway arches RRuffled curtains CCurved furniture RRounded accessories
Curved lines add a softening, graceful effect to designs.
Curved lines— create a feminine appeal.
Add a softening, graceful effect to designs. Too many curved lines can create a busy look. Seen in doorway arches, ruffled curtains, and curved furniture.
In design, one type of line should dominate. Others can be added for interest. For example, if horizontal lines dominate a room, accessories with diagonal or curved lines may be added.
What do you see? Vase or face?
Eyes form lines that don ’ t exist
Find 4 examples of spaces that utilize each of the following lines: horizontal, vertical, curved, and diagonal lines. For each of the spaces you find explain how the different lines are used as elements of design. Search through internet, magazines, and newspapers. Cut out the pictures, paste them on a sheet of paper, and explain how the element being used.
The columns on the front of this home are a perfect example of how vertical lines are used as an element of design. The columns make the house appear tall, narrow, and very formal.