Urban Design and Transportation Creating options and opportunities
Community Service Integration ► Thinking of transportation as more than travel Remember, transportation is a derived good Integrating opportunities to accomplish many tasks other than commuting ► Child Care ► Retail services ► Employment opportunities ► Opportunities for mode transfers
Community Service Integration
Successful Design Principles ► Stations as Community Hubs ► Tapering of Densities from Stations ► Presence of a Major Public Amenity ► Mixed Land Uses ► Intermodalism ► Accent on Livability ► Parking Management
Successful Design Principles ► Stations as Community Hubs The center of the neighborhood Hub has a visual focus Hub has a functional focus
Successful Design Principles ► Tapering Densities from Stations Concentration of activities (the functional focus of the station) Supply of transportation proximate to demand “ Livable ” areas further removed from majority of traffic and congestion
Successful Design Principles ► Presence of Major Public Amenity The “ Visual Focus ” Public Square or Park Administrative Center Harkening back to the Agora Public Space = Public Use, Public Involvement
Successful Design Principles ► Mixed Land Uses Provision of “ All-Day, All-Week ” Trip Generators Promotion of Travel Efficiencies Creation of a Vibrant Neighborhood (aside from transportation issues)
Successful Design Principles ► Intermodalism Seamless Connectivity Multimodal
Successful Design Principles ► Accent on Livability Landscaping Public Amenities Public Art Public Furniture Shade
Successful Design Principles ► Parking Management Pricing ► Make cost of auto use more visible Siting ► Balancing “ seamless transfer ” with access to non- transport activity
Considerations for Design ► Density ► Land Use Composition ► Public Environment ► Urban TOD or Neighborhood TOD?
Density ► Density accomplishes a number of things Shortens trips Encourages non-motorized travel Increases private and public mode occupancy ► Increased Density = Decrease in VMT Vehicle Miles Travelled
Density ► Rules of Thumb: 7 units / acre supports basic bus service 15 units / acre supports premium bus service units / acre supports light rail
Densities ► Type of density matters Employment Density ► ~ 25 jobs per acre (bus) ► ~ 15,000 jobs within a half mile Residential Density
Land Use ► Goal is to internalize trip making Analogous to internalizing costs of trips ► Reduce feeling of being stranded ► Shared parking reduces demand for land
Land Use
Design Quality ► Makes you want to be there ► Pedestrian Friendly
Design Quality
► Create Pedestrian Streets ► Orient Buildings to the streets ► Set minimum FARs Minimizes dead space .35 2 ► Grids are good ► Traffic Calming
► Short Blocks ► Continuous sidewalk network ► Safety ► Landscaping Design Quality