Specification Calculations Wallace Library Redesign for Usability Compiled by students in Design Project Management Spring 2013
Individual- Leisure: Number of Couches DirectionUnitsMarginal ValueTarget Value ↓Couches1.50 There are currently 3 couches on the first floor of the library. Our assumption was a 50/50 split between academic and leisure use. In an effort to give spaces an ‘identity’ – and allow students to know the purpose of the space – the number couches should decrease because it doesn’t make sense to have furniture that can seat multiple people in an individual area. Providing group-like seating in an individual area may result in group use.
Individual- Leisure: Number of Chairs DirectionUnitsMarginal ValueTarget Value ↑Chairs9.513 There are currently 19 soft chairs on the first floor of the library. Our assumption was a 50/50 split between academic and leisure use. Target increase of 30% from the current level
Individual- Leisure: Number of Tables DirectionUnitsMarginal ValueTarget Value ↑Tables5.510 There are currently 11 coffee/small tables on the first floor of the library. Our assumption was a 50/50 split between academic and leisure use. Target to have 75% of leisure chairs with a table. From previous slide target number of chairs is 13 ( 75% of 13 is about 10)
Individual- Leisure: Number of Outlets DirectionUnitsMarginal ValueTarget Value ↑Outlets45 Current Outlet Observations Permanent & Accessible Permanent & Not Accessible Available with Power-strips Total Idea Factory Circulation Private Workspace6006 Computer Area Assumed Idea Factory, Circulation, and Private spaces are currently used for leisure, which provides at total of 51 permanent & accessible outlets. Data collected shows 41 % of observed patrons in these areas were working individually ( ~ 21 outlets) Assuming an 80% of patrons are using the library for academic purposes and 20% are leisure users: marginal outlets for leisure users is 20% of 21 = 4.2 (rounded down to 4)
Individual- Leisure: Number of Outlets DirectionUnitsMarginal ValueTarget Value ↑Outlets45 Assumed Idea Factory, Circulation, and Private spaces are currently used for leisure. Data collected shows the maximum needed observed outlets for all of these areas as 57. Data collected shows 41 % of observed patrons in these areas were working individually ( ~ 24 outlets) Assuming an 80% of patrons are using the library for academic purposes and 20% are leisure users: target outlets for leisure users is 20% of 24 = 4.8 (rounded up to 5)
Individual-Academic: Number of Workstations & Seats DirectionUnitsMarginal ValueTarget Value ↑Workstations1320 ↑Seats1320 Assumed Circulation, Idea Factory, and Private Workspace are currently used for individual-academic work. Data collected shows 25% of observed patrons in these areas were working individually. Currently there are 101 seats in these areas. Assuming 1 seat = 1.5 workstations (due to the area students occupy with books and notes while doing hw) that is about 17 current workstations in these areas Assuming an 80% of patrons are using the library for academic purposes and 20% are leisure users: marginal workstations for academic users is 80% of 17 = 13.6 (rounded down to 13)
Individual-Academic: Number of Workstations & Seats Assumed Circulation, Idea Factory, and Private Workspace are currently used for individual-academic work. Data collected shows 25% of observed patrons in these areas were working individually. If the maximums observed occurred simultaneously there is potential for 148 patrons in these areas at one time. That is 37 workstations. Assuming an 80% of patrons are using the library for academic purposes and 20% are leisure users: target workstations for academic users is 80% of 37 = 29.6 (rounded up to 30) ** Target workstation styles are for individuals, so the 1.5 weighting is not applied here** DirectionUnitsMarginal ValueTarget Value ↑Workstations1320 ↑Seats1320
Individual-Academic: Percentage of ‘soft’ seats at Workstations DirectionUnitsMarginal ValueTarget Value ↑%48100 Marginal value represents the current state of the first floor: Chairs Number with Cushioned Seats53 Total110 Cushioned Percentage48% Ideally, to provide comfortable workspace seating all chairs would have ‘soft’ seats
Individual-Academic: Distance between Workstations DirectionUnitsMarginal ValueTarget Value ↑Feet36 Minimum ADA requirement Doubled the ADA requirement to allow for easy two-way traffic
Individual-Academic: Sound Level DirectionUnitsMarginal ValueTarget Value ↓dbA8040 Online research suggests a typical office environment falls into this range A loud office environment can reach 80 dbA while a quiet office environment is around 40 dbA Our target it at the low end of this sound range, since the quiet atmosphere may be more conducive to academic work Source:
Individual- Academic: Number of Outlets DirectionUnitsMarginal ValueTarget Value ↑Outlets1619 Current Outlet Observations Permanent & Accessible Permanent & Not Accessible Available with Power-strips Total Idea Factory Circulation Private Workspace6006 Computer Area Assumed Idea Factory, Circulation, and Private spaces are currently used for leisure, which provides at total of 51 permanent & accessible outlets. Data collected shows 41 % of observed patrons in these areas were working individually ( ~ 21 outlets) Assuming an 80% of patrons are using the library for academic purposes and 20% are leisure users: marginal outlets for leisure users is 80% of 21 = 16.8 (rounded down to 16)
Individual- Academic: Number of Outlets DirectionUnitsMarginal ValueTarget Value ↑Outlets1619 Assumed Idea Factory, Circulation, and Private spaces are currently used for leisure. Data collected shows the maximum needed observed outlets for all of these areas as 57. Data collected shows 41% of observed patrons in these areas were working individually ( ~ 23.3 outlets) Assuming an 80% of patrons are using the library for academic purposes and 20% are leisure users: target outlets for academic users is 80% of 23.3 = 18.6 (rounded up to 19)
Group-Leisure: Number of Couches DirectionUnitsMarginal ValueTarget Value ↑Couches1.54 There are currently 3 couches on the first floor of the library. Our assumption was a 50/50 split between academic and leisure use. Increase by 30% from total number of current couches Target = % (Recommended to have 0 couches for individual leisure use)
Group-Leisure: Number of Chairs DirectionUnitsMarginal ValueTarget Value ↑Chairs9.513 There are currently 19 soft chairs on the first floor of the library. Our assumption was a 50/50 split between academic and leisure use. Target increase of 30% from the current level
Group-Leisure: Number of Tables DirectionUnitsMarginal ValueTarget Value ↑Tables5.511 There are currently 11 coffee/small tables on the first floor of the library. Our assumption was a 50/50 split between academic and leisure use. Target to have a table for each couch and then 50% of the leisure chairs Couch count = 4 Chair count = 13 Tables = (4) + (50% of 13)
Group- Leisure: Number of Outlets DirectionUnitsMarginal ValueTarget Value ↑Outlets67 Current Outlet Observations Permanent & Accessible Permanent & Not Accessible Available with Power-strips Total Idea Factory Circulation Private Workspace6006 Computer Area Assumed Idea Factory, Circulation, and Private spaces are currently used for leisure, which provides at total of 51 permanent & accessible outlets. Data collected shows 60% of observed patrons in these areas were working individually (~31 outlets) Assuming an 80% of patrons are using the library for academic purposes and 20% are leisure users: marginal outlets for leisure users is 20% of 31 = 6.2 (rounded down to 6)
Group- Leisure: Number of Outlets DirectionUnitsMarginal ValueTarget Value ↑Outlets67 Assumed Idea Factory, Circulation, and Private spaces are currently used for leisure. Data collected shows the maximum needed observed outlets for all of these areas as 57. Data collected shows 60% of observed patrons in these areas were working individually ( ~ 34 outlets) Assuming an 80% of patrons are using the library for academic purposes and 20% are leisure users: target outlets for leisure users is 20% of 34 = 6.8 (rounded up to 7)
Group-Academic: Number of Outlets DirectionUnitsMarginal ValueTarget Value ↑Outlets2428 Current Outlet Observations Permanent & Accessible Permanent & Not Accessible Available with Power-strips Total Idea Factory Circulation Private Workspace6006 Computer Area Assumed Idea Factory, Circulation, and Private spaces are currently used for leisure, which provides at total of 51 permanent & accessible outlets. Data collected shows 60% of observed patrons in these areas were working individually (~31 outlets) Assuming an 80% of patrons are using the library for academic purposes and 20% are leisure users: marginal outlets for leisure users is 80% of 31 = 24.8 (rounded down to 24)
Group-Academic: Number of Outlets DirectionUnitsMarginal ValueTarget Value ↑Outlets2428 Assumed Idea Factory, Circulation, and Private spaces are currently used for leisure. Data collected shows the maximum needed observed outlets for all of these areas as 57. Data collected shows 60% of observed patrons in these areas were working individually ( ~ 34 outlets) Assuming an 80% of patrons are using the library for academic purposes and 20% are leisure users: target outlets for academic users is 80% of 34 = 27.2 (rounded up to 28)
Group-Academic: Number of Workstations DirectionUnitsMarginal ValueTarget Value ↑Workstations1823 Assumed Circulation and Idea Factory are currently used for group-academic work. Data collected shows 34% of observed patrons in these areas were working individually. Currently there are 101 seats in these areas. Assuming 1 seat = 1.5 workstations (due to the area students occupy with books and notes while doing hw) that is about 23 current workstations in these areas Assuming an 80% of patrons are using the library for academic purposes and 20% are leisure users: marginal workstations for academic users is 80% of 23 = 18.4 (rounded down to 18)
Group-Academic: Number of Workstations DirectionUnitsMarginal ValueTarget Value ↑Workstations1823 Assumed Circulation and Idea Factory are currently used for group-academic work. Data collected shows 34% of observed patrons in these areas were working in groups of 2 or more people. If the maximums observed occurred simultaneously there is potential for 125 patrons in these areas at one time. 34% of 125 is about 42 workstations. Assuming 1 seat = 1.5 workstations (due to the area students occupy with books and notes while doing hw) that is about 35 workstations. Assuming an 80% of patrons are using the library for academic purposes and 20% are leisure users: Target workstations for academic users is 80% of 35 = 22.4 (rounded up to 23)
Group-Academic: Number of Seats DirectionUnitsMarginal ValueTarget Value ↑Seats2734 Assumed Circulation and Idea Factory are currently used for group-academic work. Data collected shows 34% of observed patrons in these areas were working individually. Currently there are 101 seats in these areas. 34% of 101 seats is about 34 seats. Assuming an 80% of patrons are using the library for academic purposes and 20% are leisure users: marginal seats for academic users is 80% of 34 = 27.2 (rounded down to 27)
Group-Academic: Number of Seats DirectionUnitsMarginal ValueTarget Value ↑Seats2734 Assumed Circulation and Idea Factory are currently used for group-academic work. Data collected shows 34% of observed patrons in these areas were working in groups of 2 or more people. If the maximums observed occurred simultaneously there is potential for 125 patrons in these areas at one time. 34% of 125 is about 42 workstations. Assuming an 80% of patrons are using the library for academic purposes and 20% are leisure users: Target workstations for academic users is 80% of 35 = 33.6 (rounded up to 34)
Group-Academic: Percentage of ‘soft’ seats at Workstations DirectionUnitsMarginal ValueTarget Value ↑%48100 Marginal value represents the current state of the first floor: Chairs Number with Cushioned Seats53 Total110 Cushioned Percentage48% Ideally, to provide comfortable workspace seating all chairs would have ‘soft’ seats
Group-Academic: Distance between Workstations DirectionUnitsMarginal ValueTarget Value ↑Feet36 Minimum ADA requirement Doubled the ADA requirement to allow for easy two-way traffic
Group-Academic: Sound Level DirectionUnitsMarginal ValueTarget Value ↓dbA8040 Online research suggests a typical office environment falls into this range A loud office environment can reach 80 dbA while a quiet office environment is around 40 dbA Our target it at the low end of this sound range, since the quiet atmosphere may be more conducive to academic work Source:
Computer Area: Number of Computers DirectionUnitsMarginal ValueTarget Value ↑Computers3652 Currently there are 36 computer workstations on the first floor If the library were to see the maximums observed at the same time
Computer Area: Number of Outlets DirectionUnitsMarginal ValueTarget Value ↑Outlets3855 Out of the 36 available computers, our observational data shows a maximum of 2 people using devices requiring an outlet (2/36 = 5%) Outlets = # of computers + 5% Target Outlets = target # of computers + 5%
Computer Area: Number of Seats DirectionUnitsMarginal ValueTarget Value ↑Chairs3652 Currently there are 36 computer workstations on the first floor If the library were to see the maximums observed at the same time
General 1 st Floor: Percentage of Movable Furniture DirectionUnitsMarginal ValueTarget Value ↑%4775 Marginal value represents the current state of the first floor: ChairsTablesOverall Number that move freely Total Movable Percentage 57%7%47% Realistically, 100% of the furniture does not need to be mobile In order to satisfy the customer need to reconfigure the space, a large percentage of furniture need to be mobile 75% was chosen, does that seem reasonable?
General 1 st Floor: Number of Blockages to Natural Light DirectionUnitsMarginal ValueTarget Value ↓Blocked Windows10 Currently the Publishing Studio blocks one large window in the Idea Factory, which is limiting the amount of natural light in the space The proposed layout moves the publishing studio away from the window to better utilize the natural lighting for group workspaces
General 1 st Floor: Forms of Customer Use MetricUnitsMarginalTarget Contains area for group collaborationY/NYY Contains area for private workY/NYY Contains presentation spaceY/NYY Contains social spaceY/NYY Contains space for ITSY/NYY Contains space for The Writing CenterY/NYY Contains space for The Publishing StudioY/NYY