Single Plan For Student Achievement November 19, 2015 How to Analyze Data and Develop SMART Goals Los Angeles Unified School District Local District Northwest “Building Academic Excellence Through Coherence, Collaboration, High Expectations and Accountability”
Outcomes for Today 1.Understand how to develop SMART goals aligned to data.
Language Arts Example
Identify data reviewed to address Academic Goal Based on data analysis, summarize findings. Be specific with data. Language Arts Based on data analysis, identify a Measurable Objective (SMART) to improve the academic goal: English Language Arts
DATA ANALYSIS Guiding questions: According to the data, what should be the focus when developing your SMART Goals? What are some possible explanations for this data? Which SBAC Claim(s) can potentially be the focus for your SMART Goal?
Sample Data ELA-SBAC By Grade-Level Language Classification Special Education MISIS DATA Platorm
Language Arts
Establishing SMART GOALS Once you have analyzed school wide data and summarized findings you can then develop SMART Goals to address it. Specific: Clear and well defined Measureable: identify a goal that can be measured Ambitious/Achievable: Realistic & lofty goal Results-Oriented: focused on a clear outcome Time-Bound: Specific time frame to reach goal
Language Arts
Attendance, Suspension/Expulsion Example
Identify data reviewed to address Academic Goal Based on data analysis, summarize findings. Be specific with data. Attendance, Suspension/Expulsion and Non-Cognitive Skills Based on data analysis, identify a Measurable Objective (SMART) to improve the academic goal: Social/Emotional Goal
DATA ANALYSIS Guiding questions: According to the data, what should be the focus when developing your SMART Goals? What are some possible explanations for this data?
Sample Data School Report Card School Report Card will be available in December
Attendance, Suspension/Expulsion and Non-Cognitive Skills
Establishing SMART GOALS Once you have analyzed school wide data and summarized findings you can then develop SMART Goals to address it. Specific: Clear and well defined Measureable: identify a goal that can be measured Ambitious/Achievable: Realistic & lofty goal Results-Oriented: focused on a clear outcome Time-Bound: Specific time frame to reach goal
Attendance, Suspension/Expulsion and Non-Cognitive Skills
Mathematics Example
Mathematics Identify data reviewed to address Academic Goal Based on data analysis, summarize findings. Be specific with data. Based on data analysis, identify a Measurable Objective (SMART) to improve the academic goal: Mathematics
DATA ANALYSIS Guiding questions: According to the data, what should be the focus when developing your SMART Goals? What are some possible explanations for this data? Which SBAC Claim(s) can potentially be the focus for your SMART Goal?
Sample Data Math-SBAC By Grade-Level Language Classification Special Education MISIS DATA Platorm
Task 5 Minutes 1)Indicate data being reviewed 2)Analyze Math SBAC Data and Summarize Findings (Use Bullet Points). Use Percentages and identify Year(s) 3)Develop a School Measurable Objective (SMART Goal) Mathematics
How To Access The School Report Card and School Experience Survey
Complete the following: Select School Level Type Name of School Select Year Click Go Click on School Report Card to download Complete the following: Select School Level Type Name of School Select Year Click Go Click on School Report Card to download
1) Complete the following: User ID (Single Sign-On) Single Sign-In Password Use Firefox Browser for MyData 2) Complete the following: Select Smarter Balanced Select Claims by ELA
3) Summarize Data using Drop Down Menu : Language Classification Ethnicity Gender Foster Special Ed Gifted Poverty Indicator Grade 4) Click on Export to download Data on Excel or PDF Use Firefox Browser for MyData 5) Click on Math Tab 6) Summarize Data using Drop Down Menu Language Classification Ethnicity Gender Foster Special Ed Gifted Poverty Indicator Grade 7) Click on Export to download Data on Excel or PDF
Select To Apply for Access for MyData Click Here How to Get Access to MyData Complete Form Select School Role Obtain Principal Signature Fax to:
Questions? November 19, 2015