Fís Foghlaim Forbairt www. pdst. ie © PDST 2015 This work is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0 Licence You may use and re-use this material (not including images and logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike Licence.
www. pdst. ie and other useful sites MFL Alive 2015 Richard Egan, PDST Associate
www. pdst. ie Learning Intention To demonstrate the benefits of using Scoilnet and other useful sites and webtools
www. pdst. ie Find 12,000 + resources reviewed and mapped to the curriculum by teachers. Upload and share resources you’ve created or found, supporting peers in curriculum delivery. Create Learning Paths as a means of grouping and forming collections of resources. Include the Scoilnet API on your site to enable a Scoilnet search from within your site. Access Britannica for trustworthy and quality multimedia content. Why use Scoilnet?
www. pdst. ie Using Scoilnet View the video
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Scoilnet sites
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www. pdst. ie TeacherCPD.ie
www. pdst. ie ICT in the MFL Classroom
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www. pdst. ie Edmodo is a social learning platform for teachers, students, parents and schools. It provides a safe and easy way for your class to connect, share content and access resources, homework, results and important notices. Edmodo is an educational tool that promotes active learning, supports ongoing assessment (AfL), builds learner autonomy, monitors student development and showcases their achievements. Edmodo
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www. pdst. ie Edmodo Groups
www. pdst. ie Padlet
www. pdst. ie My Padlet
www. pdst. ie Animoto
www. pdst. ie Animoto – La Rutina Diaria Thanks to Paul Neary, PME student, UCD
www. pdst. ie Memrise
www. pdst. ie Duolingo
www. pdst. ie Quizlet
www. pdst. ie Brainscape
www. pdst. ie PPLI website
www. pdst. ie PDST website
www. pdst. ie Other Language learning sites and webtools
www. pdst. ie German Language learning sites deutsch in drei minute – YouTube French
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www. pdst. ie Thank You